It Turns Out That Yogurt Has Many Benefits For Your Health And Beauty

Yogurt is a milk drink made from bacterial fermentation. Yogurt is now a popular drink in various parts of the world. In addition to its delicious taste, yogurt is known to be able to maintain a healthy digestive tract.

Not only that, yogurt is able to maintain overall skin health and beauty, including brightening the skin to become more shiny or glowing.

In fact, the people of Bulgaria also often use yogurt as a natural way to look younger.

Yogurt is classified as a food that contains high probiotics. The content is beneficial for the health of the body, especially for the digestive system, intestines and stomach.

So, what are the benefits of yogurt for health and beauty? But before taking the benefits, you need to know what yogurt contains. Here summarizes it from Health Line and WebMD, Thursday (31/10/2019).

Ingredients in Yogurt for Beauty

1. Lactic acid        

Lactic acid is useful for making skin soft, clean, and radiant because it can help the process of exfoliating dead skin cells, so that it can clean facial pores and avoid wrinkles. In addition, lactic acid can also keep the skin bright and glowing.

2. Vitamin B

B vitamins are very good for keeping the skin hydrated and protected from free radicals.

3. Calcium

Calcium in yogurt is believed to be able to prevent dry skin and rejuvenate the skin. In addition, this content can prevent osteoporosis and bone loss.

4. Probiotics

Yogurt contains good bacteria such as Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus which can help protect the skin from free radicals. This content also increases the body’s defense system from diseases that attack the digestive tract.

5. Zinc

Yogurt is highly recommended for those of you who have acne, because the zinc content in it can help maintain skin elasticity and prevent acne. Zinc is also able to control oil production from the sebaceous glands, which are glands that often trigger acne.

Yogurt Benefits for Health

1. Lowers Blood Pressure

A study showed that adults who consumed 2-3 servings of yogurt per day or more experienced a 50% reduction in blood pressure compared to those who did not eat yogurt at all.

The benefits of yogurt come from the potassium content that can remove excess sodium from the body.

2. Good Source of Protein

Yogurt contains a lot of protein that has good benefits for the body. However, the amount of protein in yogurt varies depending on the type of yogurt.

Greek yogurt is a type of yogurt with the highest protein content. Regular yogurt provides only 9 grams of protein. Adjust the yogurt to your liking.

3. Lose Weight

Yogurt is believed to be a healthy snack that will not make you fat. This is due to the combination of probiotic, protein, and calcium content in yogurt that is useful for triggering the production of anti-hunger hormones, such as GLP-1 and peptide YY.

Yogurt is also known to have the benefit of balancing cholesterol levels, and maintaining the function of your muscles and nervous system.

4. Strengthens the Immune System

The important minerals and nutrients contained in yogurt are useful to help increase the production of T cells, one of the white blood cells in the body that are responsible for and have benefits for fighting disease.

You can consume at least 400 grams of yogurt every day to get the benefits of strengthening your immune system and helping fight infections and bacteria.

5. Source of Minerals and Vitamins

Yogurt contains vitamin B complex intake, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, and zinc.

The content of vitamin B12 in yogurt is useful for helping your nervous system to function properly and protecting you from heart disease.

6. Maintain Bone Health

Yogurt is also beneficial for bones. Yogurt is rich in calcium which is needed for healthy bones and teeth.

This fermented milk drink contains a combination of calcium and vitamin D which is beneficial for strengthening bones. Meanwhile, vitamin D can help the body absorb calcium better.

Consumption of yogurt is also useful to help prevent osteoporosis in old age.

7. Launch the Digestive System

The benefits of yogurt on this one must have been known to many people. Yogurt contains probiotics, which are good bacteria that help get rid of bad bacteria that cause infections in the intestines.

So it is useful to help the digestive system because digestion becomes smoother.

8. Restore Body Condition

If you regularly exercise at least twice a week or more, it’s a good idea to eat yogurt. Because he is able to restore the condition of your tired body.

A bowl of Greek Yoghurt is known to help repair tired muscles due to exercise.

9. Healthy Heart

Some studies say that fat or sugar-free yogurt can increase levels of good cholesterol or high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Where this can help protect heart health.

10. Avoiding Pubic Infections

For women with diabetes, genital infections are one of the most common conditions. With regular consumption of yogurt, this infection can be minimized or even avoided.

Yogurt Benefits for Beauty

11. Maximum Moisturizing Skin

If your skin is dry, a powerful moisturizer to deal with it is yogurt. The content in it can effectively make the skin more moist.

You can use it by processing it into a mask. All you need is 4 tablespoons of yogurt, 1 tablespoon of cocoa and 1 tablespoon of honey.

12. Reduces Facial Wrinkles

You want to look more youthful? Maybe yogurt can help realize your wish on this one.

Yogurt has been shown to significantly reduce skin wrinkles on the face, so you can look younger.

13. Get Rid of Acne

Acne is one of the most common problems faced by young people. The existence of acne will make us not confident to meet other people.

To overcome this, you can use yogurt. How to use it, take enough cotton, apply yogurt and paste it on the face with acne.

14. Overcome Dark Spots on Face

Besides being able to reduce wrinkles and eradicate acne, yogurt is also useful for dealing with dark spots on the face and making it more radiant.

For maximum effect, take 1 tablespoon of yogurt and mix it with 1/2 tablespoon of lemon. Then, apply to the desired part.

15. Heals UV Burned Skin

Face and sunburn during the day occurs due to exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays. If you experience this, don’t worry, you can overcome it with yogurt.

Yogurt can cure sunburned skin because it is rich in zinc and anti-inflammatory substances.

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