10 Most Popular Programming Languages ​Most Large Companies Use

Programming languages ​are instructions that consist of many lines of code that are made by humans so that computers can understand them. This language is a liaison between humans and computers so that they can interact. Along with the rapid development of technology, programming languages ​are increasingly needed to develop existing technologies. For this reason, mastery of programming languages ​is important to provide career flexibility. For those of you who are interested in learning it or want to work in the field of information technology (IT), here are the ten most popular programming languages ​in Indonesia,

1. Java
Java is a programming language that can be run on various types of platforms, such as personal computers (PCs) or smartphones. Java was created by James Gosling while he was still working at Sun Microsystems. Interestingly, the name “Java” was inspired by the pure coffee from Java that James Gosling enjoyed.

Today, Java is one of the most popular programming languages ​and is used on more than 15 billion computer devices worldwide. Not only that, various Android-based applications also use the Java programming language. In fact, 90 percent of Fortune 500 companies use Java to develop backend systems and desktop applications.

2. C++
C++ is an update of the C programming language which is one of the oldest programming languages ​in the world. The difference between the two lies in the way they solve a problem. In the C programming language, the problem will be solved by carrying out the procedural stage, namely the code will be divided into smaller sub-problems. Meanwhile, in C++ programming, problem solving is more object-centered. Every problem that exists will be divided into several classes. Because of its cutting-edge capabilities, the programming language developed by Bjarne Stroustrup is used by large companies such as Adobe and Mozilla Firefox.

3. Javascript
Javascript is a programming language used to create search engines or search engines such as Internet Explore and Opera. This programming language is very popular because it has a variety of tools or minimalistic tools that are effective for everyday purposes, especially for checking coding results. Examples of tools that are in the body of JavaScript are the development of hypertext markup language (HTML) and cascading style sheets (CSS). With the capabilities of these two tools, JavaScript is widely used to develop mobile applications, games, and desktop applications.

4. Swift
Swift is a programming language that Apple first launched at the World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2014. Swift’s foundational components lie in the LLVM compiler and

Xcode. Apple, as Swift’s parent company, makes the most popular programming language among workers who work using Apple devices. This programming language is the right choice if the company’s target audience is Apple users. Apart from Apple products, one of the well-known apps that use Swift is the photography app VSCO Cam.

5. Dart
Dart is a programming language developed by Google. Currently, Dart is popular because it is able to meet the need to create android or mobile applications, front-end, web, internet of things (IoT), back-end (CLI), and games. This programming language applies object-oriented programming concepts, just like C++. Dart also uses C-Style syntax so that the mechanism is similar to the C, Java, Javascript, and Swift programming languages. Dart is a programming language that must be mastered to develop Flutter applications. With Dart, you only need one codebase to be able to develop applications on various platforms such as websites, Android, and iOS. The Dart language is designed to be familiar with other programming languages, so that those who already understand other programming languages ​will easily start their journey as developers. To note, the use of Dart including open source alias free. This programming language is optimal for developing user interfaces (UI) of various platforms quickly and productively.

6. Ruby
In the world of web development, Ruby is one type of programming language that is often used by developers or developers. Currently, Ruby is one of the most popular programming languages ​in Indonesia. Not without reason, Ruby became popular because it has a user community with a good reputation. Apart from being the friendliest, Ruby user community is also very helpful to developers. Ruby also uses a simple syntax and is quite easy to use for those of you who are new to the programming world.

7. PHP
PHP is one of the best choices for those of you who are looking for a programming language for website development. With server side scripting specifically for websites and database integration that is easily understood by all, PHP is used by 80 percent of the 10,000,000 websites in the world. The programming language developed by Rasmus Lerdrorf is often used by well-known companies as a command language in content management systems (CMS). Some well-known companies that use PHP include WordPress, Facebook, Wikipedia, and Digg.

8. Kotlin
Kotlin is a statically typed programming language that runs on a Java Virtual Machine or uses the LLVM compiler. This programming language can also be compiled in the form of JavaScript source code. The main developers of Kotlin are from a team of Russian-based JetBrains programmers. The development team named it Kotlin because it was inspired by the name of an island in Russia, just like Java, which was inspired by Coffee from the island of Java. Although the Kotlin syntax is not compatible with the Java language, it is still designed to work with Java. After Google announced that Kotlin became the first-class language for Android, then Kotlin along with Java and C++ became the official language in Android application development.

9. Python
One of the programming languages ​that you must learn for data science development is Python. Python is a practical programming language, so many companies use it, especially companies that develop artificial intelligence (AI). Also, because Python’s documentation library covers a lot of visualization of large amounts of data using Matplotlib, Pandas, and others, many tech professionals use Python to program desktop applications. In fact, thanks to its powerful capabilities and compatibility, major companies such as Google, Yahoo!, Instagram, Pinterest, YouTube, and Reddit, are also using Python in their software.
10. Go
Go or also known as Golang is an open source programming language designed by Google. Go offers a clean and simple syntax, making it easy to learn. Apart from that, Go also comes with complete documentation and blogs to help you quickly understand this programming language. For information, well-known brands such as Netflix, Dropbox, YouTube, and SoundCloud choose Golang to overcome the high number of users accessing their sites or applications. Go is the ideal programming language for developing high-traffic e-commerce websites or high-performance apps.

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