When you drink fruit ice, mixed ice, or similar ice, you will definitely find basil in it, right? Usually, you don’t have time to feel it on your tongue, because it’s so small, this basil can flow smoothly into your throat with the water we drink. Even though it’s small, don’t think that basil is just a decoration in drinks.

Utilizing grains to be used as food that is good for health is nothing new. One of the famous properties is basil seeds.

These very small seeds come from the basil plant. Despite its small size, basil seeds have many benefits for human health, such as strengthening the immune system and increasing male and female fertility.

So far, we know basil seeds only as a complementary ingredient in fruit ice or mixed ice. Well, besides adding to the freshness of the drink, it turns out that this is a list of the extraordinary benefits of basil seeds. Come on, take a look at the following!

Benefits of Basil Seeds for Health

1. Lose Weight

Basil seeds can be one of the favorite food choices for women who have difficulty losing weight. Basil seeds can help you lose weight, because of their very high fiber content, which can make you feel full longer.

2. Improve Vision

The high content of vitamin A in basil seeds is believed to improve eye health. Vitamin A in basil seeds acts as a powerful antioxidant for the retina of the eye which can prevent the development of cataracts and macular degeneration.

3. Prevents Cholesterol

The right way to deal with high cholesterol is to eat fibrous foods such as oatmeal and basil seeds. With a combination of the two, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) good cholesterol can increase and heart health is maintained.

4. Contains Omega-3

The benefits contained in omega-3 are unquestionable for the health of our bodies. Not only found in fish, but the content of omega-3 is also found in basil seeds.

Omega-3 is one of the most beneficial amino acids for the body. This substance is able to work to protect several types of organs such as the heart and brain.

5. Controls Stomach Acid

When stomach acid is recurring, this will definitely interfere with our activities. Well, you can eat basil seeds, because they can calm the stomach and get rid of the acid that causes bloating.

6. Improve Bone Health

Because of the many vitamins in basil seeds such as Omega-3, Vitamin A, and various other vitamins including various minerals in basil seeds, iron, potassium, copper, calcium, which are useful for increasing bone mineral density.

This will reduce the risk of osteoporosis, make a person feel young, and strong with age.

7. Relieve Stress

Not only can it be consumed, but these basil flower seeds can also be used as aromatherapy ingredients, because these basil seeds have a calming effect and can improve mood.

In addition, basil seeds or basil seeds can cure fatigue, nervous tension, migraines and reduce depression.

8. Cough and Flu Medicine

Because it contains flavonoid antioxidants in the form of vicenin and beta carotene which function for endurance. The content is useful for killing various types of bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

Not only that, the antispasmodic properties of basil seeds also work to relieve stubborn coughs.

9. Overcoming Insomnia

Insomnia or insomnia can happen to anyone. Usually if we have trouble sleeping we will take sleeping pills, but please note that this can have an effect on kidney health.

For those of you who have trouble sleeping, you can change the habit of taking medicine by regularly consuming food and drinks containing basil seeds, because it has the benefit of reducing excessive anxiety or insomnia.

10. Cure Headaches

When you have a headache, this can be very annoying. For those who are often dizzy, you can consume 5 grams of basil seeds that have been boiled in hot water and add honey.

Benefits of Basil Seeds for Fertility

11. Supports Sperm Cell Growth

Experts reveal that basil seeds can be useful for increasing male fertility. Because these seeds contain aphrodisiac substances that are useful for supporting the growth of sperm cells and increasing their lifespan.

12. Healthy Fetus in the womb

Basil seeds contain nutrients needed for fetal development in the womb. Such as supporting the development of important organs, bone formation, and reducing the risk of birth defects.

Benefits of Basil Seeds for Beauty

13. Maintain Healthy Hair

It is everyone’s dream to have strong and healthy hair. Well, with regular consumption of basil seeds will increase the formation of collagen in the body which will moisturize the skin and hair.

Not only consumed, basil seeds can also be used as a mixture of coconut oil and can strengthen and accelerate hair growth.

14. Prevents Acne

Because it contains anti-oxidants, basil seeds are able to remove dirt in the body that can trigger acne.

15. Reduce Dark Spots on the Face

The antioxidant content in basil seeds also has benefits for tightening and reducing black spots on the face due to sun exposure. Not only consumed, basil seeds can also be used as a mask.

The trick, namely by smoothing basil seeds with a blender, then mixed with honey. After that, sprinkle evenly on facial skin, and let stand for about 15 minutes.

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