What’s the Difference Between Android Studio and Android SDK?

Touted as a Southeast Asian digital powerhouse, don’t be surprised if the smartphone is the goods that are obliged day-to-day in Indonesia. And of course, Android has a special place since it became the OS of choice for more than 92% of the total smartphone users in the country. Well, as a brand owner, there are times when You are required to have an Android app to facilitate the user or customer make a purchase, register, or just know more about Your product. If that’s the case, it’s time You get acquainted with the tools that are used by the developers, the Android Studio and Android development kit or the Android SDK.

Basically, Android Studio and Android SDK are tools that are necessary in the process of making apps on the Android platform. So, what’s the difference between the two? If you want to make an Android app must use Android Studio and the SDK or can you choose just one? So Here Goes…

Android Studio

Android Studio is an IDE (Integrated Development Environment) alias Integrated Development Environment officially released by Google for Android. The IDEA, the first release of the year 2014, had so many functions that are needed by developers for Android application development such as do build, test, debug, and so forth.

Android Studio also includes a variety of features that can make the Android app development so less hassle and more speedy. But how? With the features of a fast emulator for example, You can make the process of testing (install and run) Android apps in various types of virtual device more quickly.

In addition, the build system of Android Studio is supported by the Gradle–automation build system that is flexible and allows users to make a lot of variations of the app for Android devices in one project. Also, Android Studio APK analyzer, intelligent code editor, and real time profiler that can make the job ngoding developer You so much more easy and efficient.

Android SDK

So, the Android SDK is a.k.a. The Software Development Kit for the Android-based application is indeed bundling with Android Studio. But that doesn’t mean the Android SDK can not be used with other tools. For instance, the Android SDK kind of “brain” needed to make the Android app, while Android Studio is just one of the tools that uses it. We will return to this point later on, yes!

Simply put, the Android SDK is composed of several software development tools and libraries needed to develop Android applications. Every release of the latest Android version or update from Google, appears a new SDK that needs to be installed by the developer that made the app updated as well.

All the tools needed for coding the program from zero until the testing is already included in the Android SDK. Tools this allows the process of the development of the Android app You can run smoothly.

Now, let’s get back to the question: can you use the Android SDK without Android Studio? As I explained above, the Android SDK can be used separately. Although most of the Android applications can be created with Android Studio, there are times when You need to wear other IDEAS such as Microsoft Visual Studio (for development programs Microsoft Windows), or cross-platform tools such as QT Creator. So, You don’t need to always wear the official IDE from Google, the origin of the existing SDK. You can use the tools to make an Android app.

The main difference between Android Studio and Android SDK? One IDEA, the only kit of some software and library files. Android Studio is one of the tools that are used for Android application development (can use, can’t), while the Android SDK to take you there if you want to make the app.

Ooiya, Android Studio can also be downloaded for free on the website of the developer Google. But before you install, make sure the first System Requirements for Your PC are met, yes. Biar nggak nge-lag, because the file lumayan gede. If you have already downloaded and installed, You could see in it no bundling the Android SDK as well. Oh, that means the Android SDK’s just a part of Android Studio? Emm, what’s yes… the Answer can be yes and no. 😉

Well, before You decide to make an Android app for Your business, make sure you do your research well. The Mobile app market we’ve rapidly growing, but competition is also tight–the success rate is not more than 0.01%. In addition to following the development of the trend, You also need to listen to and get to know Your customers. In Definite, we always put L.O.V.E. (Learn, Observe, Verify, and Experience) and implement the strategy of user-centric relevant to Your business. So, mending us further the discussion via call or chat aja buat find out Your needs and devise his strategy together

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