Variety of kebaya Nusantara fashionable on the red carpet FFI 2021

There are unique things are found in the red carpet of the award Night Citra Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) this year. One of them is the female guest wearing a variety of kebaya Nusantara modern and fashionable.

The chairman of the Committee of the Festival Film Indonesia (FFI) 2021 Reza Rahardian reveal that the concept of the event this year is inspired from the FFI 1955.

“The concept of the show today, from fashion, inspired many of the FFI in 1955 and thereafter, where the women wear the kebaya and men wear a tuxedo so, yes. For me, it’s beautiful,” Reza said in his interview on the red carpet FFI 2021 in Jakarta, Wednesday (10/11) of the night.

The one that stole the spotlight is a movie player Prilly Latuconsina wearing kebaya Bali nuanced black and sprinkled with colored sequins gold. This blend produces a elegant look without reducing the traditional sense of the peculiarities of the kebaya Island of the Gods.

“Balinese Kebaya rancangan Anne Avantie. This is the first time I wear the kebaya in an event of this magnitude. I’m prepared to wear kebaya Bali with a very traditional,” said Prilly who won the Favorite Actress Awards (Chitra Dewi) on the night of the event.

He admitted to liking kebaya Bali. Prilly calls himself always strive took to wearing traditional clothing that’s when a visit to the Island of the Gods.

“I fell in love with the same kebaya Bali. For the preparation of, like, a month and a half, because I’m pretty detail to this day. Starting from the color, the sequins and the gold, until the fabric I also replace two times because really want to special really to this day,” he said.

Meanwhile, the pair of mother and child, Wulan Guritno and Shaloom Syach Razadee appeared wearing kebaya design Ghea Fashion Studio that accentuate the impression of a simple but still luxurious. Actress Happy Salma also wore a set kebaya pink and purple from the same fashion house.

Talk about the colors of pink and purple, winner of Best Female lead Arawinda Kirana also comes with a blend of colors which is almost the same. It is presumably adjusted with the color purple which is identical with his latest film, “Yuni”.

Actress Romance Abigail also look stunning with a dress from Toton the Label, which is synonymous with mixing the concept of traditional elements with a modern modification of the sophisiticated.

There is also a Luna Maya are dressed in the fashion of Didi Budiardjo, which combines a black top classic concept fushion of a number of cultural inspirations, with white bottoms that support elegant appearance.

“I’m now using a design of Didi Budiarjo. With her makeup simple, smokey eyes, with hairdo, simple, and his shirt with the concept of the mix. I love it,” said Luna.

Meanwhile, the two actress Nirina Zubir and Dian Sastrowardoyo look simple yet so distinctive shades of Indonesia through the collection as Far as the Eye can see which is dominated by the color red.

“I like the concept of a traditional, and I think it’s time we re bringing clothes like a traditional,” said Dian.

On the other hand, ladies and gentlemen, a man like a senior actor Lukman Sardi and the Chairman of the Committee FFI 2021 Reza Rahardian look classic with a black-and-white, and wrapped in a tuxedo and a set of Wong Hang. Iqbaal Ramadhan are also blends of the same color, however with the retro look that is more viscous.

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