Shortcut keys of Photoshop and its Function

Hi Buddy! Did you know the Shortcut Photoshop we often use to speed up the execution of a command when you run or edit the object image in Adobe Photoshop. A collection of shortcut keys in Photoshop in this post You can use in the Windows operating system and MacOS, in addition the function keyboard shortcut Photoshop also still the same even though You’re running Photoshop with different versions ranging from Photoshop CS, CS2, CS3, CS4, CS5, CS6, CC, CC 2014, CC 2015, CC 2018, CC 2019 and CC 2020.

The Keyboard Button in Photoshop

1. Ctrl + N

Make the files a new document

2. Ctrl + O

Open the file document

3. Ctrl + W

Close the file

4. Ctrl + P

Print File

5. Ctrl + Q

Out of the application

6. Ctrl + Z

How to undo

7. Ctrl + X

Cut layers

8. Ctrl + C


9. Ctrl + V

Paste layer

10. Shift + F5


11. Ctrl + T

Change the shape of the object (path)

12. Ctrl + J

Duplicate layer

13. Ctrl + G

Create a group layer

14. Ctrl + E

Combine layer

15. Ctrl + A


16. Ctrl + D

Release the selection

17. Shift + F6

To change the range selection

18. Ctrl + F

Last Filter

19. Ctrl + Y

Proof Color

20. Ctrl + +

Zoom in

21. Ctrl + –

Zoom out

22. Ctrl + 0

Fit on screen

23. Ctrl + 1

Actual size

24. Ctrl + R

Bring a measuring line

25. Ctrl + H

Bring up the history menu

26. Ctrl + L

Set Level

27. Ctrl + M

Set the Hue/saturation

28. Ctrl + I

Upgrade invert image

29. Alt + Ctrl + 0

Browse dalam mode Bridge

30. Alt + Ctrl + W

Close all files

31. Shift + Ctrl + W

Close the file and then open the Bridge automatically

32. Shift + Ctrl + S

Save the file in a format that is customized

33. Shift + Ctrl + Z

One step forward (step forward)

34. Alt + Shift + Z

One step back (step back)

35. Shift + Ctrl + C

Download copy file in merge (merge)

36. Shift + Ctrl + K

Color settings

37. Alt + Ctrl + G

Create a Clipping mask

38. Shift + Ctrl + G

Release layer of a group (ungroup layer)

39. Shift + Ctrl E

Merge visible

40. Shift + Ctrl D

Select reset

41. Shift + Ctrl + A

Apply effects wide angle

42. Shift + Ctrl + R

Apply effects lens correction

43. Shift + Ctrl + X

Apply effects liquefy

44. Alt + Ctrl + T

Vanishing point

45. Shift + Ctrl + Y

Gamut warning

46. Alt + Shift + Ctrl + 0

Open as

47. Alt + Shift + Ctrl + S

File Save for web

48. Alt +Shift + Ctrl + I

Information on the file

49. Alt +Shift + Ctrl + P

Print the file for one copy

50. Alt +Shift + Ctrl + K

Information keyboard shortcut

51. Alt +Shift + Ctrl + M

See the menu

52. Alt +Shift + Ctrl + F

See the menu

Well that’s the last that I can convey, hopefully useful and bye

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