this is the latest trending UI UX design in 2021

  1. Dark Mode

In 2020, Dark Mode is already familiar to users of web browser applications, social media to marketplaces. All of these applications have competed to develop the appearance of the UI design with this dark mode. What are the advantages of dark mode for its users?

Some of the advantages of dark mode are that it saves energy for AMOLED and OLED screens. The display of light text with a dark background tends to be better for reducing eye strain, and dark mode can reduce blue light.

  1. 3D elements

3D Elements became a trend after it was first seen in a Tokopedia advertisement on one of the media. Since these 3D-designed elements have their own charisma, it’s no wonder the popularity of 3D elements is increasing in 2020. Applying 3D elements to UI requires special skills and time to create. Rendering 3D elements can often display effects on their own.

  1. Flat Design

Flat design is a trend that is predicted to continue to be popular in 2021. Some UI and UX designers have liked Flat Design for its simplicity and creative and attractive minimalist style. However, there are also those who think that flat design is still too ordinary and choose other illustrations that are more textured.

  1. Animated Illustration

Illustration has been around for a long time in the world of digital product design. Illustrations continue to experience renewal and evolution so that the last one is very impressive. Illustrations used as design elements that add a natural feel and an overall human touch to UI and UX designs are becoming very popular. Illustrations are also able to attract very strong attention to users.

  1. Photography

Unlike the others, Photography is a design trend that can display positive emotions. Where UI design in the form of Photography will show the depth of elements and make a website look a little 3D. The existence of a combination of colors and photography techniques that are well designed will show a different impression. One of them is a futuristic result.

  1. Voice User Interface (VUI)

In 2020, Voice chatbots and virtual assistants have become one of the popular trends. This trend has influenced the way we take notes, search for information and so on as a user. This technology is generally already implemented in Android, Apple and even Google which offers the best and impressive user experience. This VUI trend is very practical because only by using your voice, commands are carried out immediately.

  1. Artificial Intelligence

In 2019 to 2021, almost all digital products have artificial intelligence, machine learning elements and UI design elements that are continuously being improved so as to make the UI easier to use. The overall UX has also gotten better. Now Artificial Intelligence serves to personalize the service so that more and more users will take advantage of the product.

Did you know that by using AI or Artificial Intelligence in UI UX design, products can learn a lot about users based on their behavior and create a better user experience.

  1. UX Writing

Many companies have changed their communication style to make it more comfortable and less formal. Some companies don’t even hesitate to add a little humor. Well, this is where the new profession of writer emerges. In 2021, UI UX is predicted to dominate the implementation of UX Writing as if it were telling a story. The application of this method is related to transferring data to its users in a creative and informative way.

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