Myriad Of Health Benefits Of Cloves

This versatile spice is often used as traditional medicine. Let’s look at the benefits of cloves for your health.

Indonesia is famous for its various spices. Spices are often used to add flavor to a food or drink. Well, one type of spice that is often used is cloves.

This versatile spice which has the Latin name Syzygium aromaticum comes from the Myrtaceae tree family. In addition to having a distinctive aroma and taste, cloves also have many benefits for the body. What are the health benefits of cloves?

The content of important nutrients in cloves

Although small in stature, do not underestimate the nutritional content in cloves. One teaspoon of cloves (2 grams) contains 21 calories of energy, 1 gram of carbohydrates, and 1 gram of fiber. One teaspoon of cloves is also able to meet 30% manganese needs, 4% vitamin K, and 3% vitamin C of the body’s daily needs. Cloves also contain calcium, magnesium, and vitamin E, although in small amounts.

These various important vitamins and minerals support the benefits of cloves for your body’s health.

Efficacy of Cloves for Health

With a variety of content in cloves, namely potassium, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, calcium, magnesium, zinc, folate, antioxidants, no wonder cloves can support body health.

Unfortunately, the health benefits of cloves are rarely discussed in the community, beyond its role as a flavor enhancer in processed foods and beverages.

The following are the health benefits of cloves that are a pity to miss:

1. Helps Overcome Premature Ejaculation

A study says, creams containing a mixture of cloves can improve symptoms of premature ejaculation when applied to the skin of the penis. However, this still requires further research.

2. Protects against cancer

Cloves are enriched with the antioxidant eugenol to fight free radicals in the body that can trigger the development of cancer. In addition to eugenol, cloves also contain vitamin C as an antioxidant to help neutralize free radicals. The antioxidant power in cloves is even reported to be five times more effective than vitamin E and other types of antioxidants.

The buildup of free radicals in the body can damage the DNA code and cause oxidative stress that triggers various chronic diseases. Starting from arthritis, heart disease, atherosclerosis, stroke, hypertension, stomach ulcers, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease, cancer, to cause aging.

3. Kills disease-causing bacteria

Cloves have antibacterial properties that can stop infection. A study showed that clove essential oil was effective in killing E. coli bacteria that can cause stomach cramps, diarrhea, and fatigue.

Cloves also help maintain oral health by stopping the growth of two types of bacteria that cause dental plaque and gum disease (gingivitis). If you don’t want to chew cloves, use a mouthwash containing clove extract to get this benefit.

4. As a Natural Mosquito Repellent

One of the health benefits of cloves is as a natural mosquito repellent. In fact, applying clove oil to your body can keep you away from mosquito bites for up to 5 hours!

5. Improves Liver Function

Who would have thought, the content in cloves is also good for the liver? The eugenol substance in cloves is believed to be useful for maintaining your liver function. However, further research is still needed to really prove it.

6. Lowers Cholesterol Levels

Based on a study published by the American Heart Association, cloves have a significant effect in controlling cholesterol and triglyceride levels in the body.

7. Reduces Tooth Pain

Cloves contain anti-inflammatory components that can reduce swelling in the area of ​​​​the infected tooth. It not only kills bacteria in the mouth, but also helps relieve tooth pain. In addition, cloves are also able to overcome bad breath.

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