Why is Marketing So Important?

The success of a business is very dependent on how successful marketing is. So it can be said that no matter how great the product you have, if it is not accompanied by marketing, it will be nothing. Here are some reasons why marketing is so important in a business.

1. As an Event To Introduce “Brand Awareness” Products or Services

Brand awareness is a form of effort to provide brand awareness. This means that the marketing efforts are carried out. Potential customers can understand and know your product. The main goal is for businesses to grow rapidly among users. There is an AIDA name among marketers. Namely the term for:

Attention = Attracting the attention of consumers
Interest = Prospective consumers become interested
Desire = A feeling of wanting to try
Action = That is an actual action to buy a service or product

If marketers are able to master the 5 things above, of course they are able to dominate the market. Because from the points above there are strategies that can be applied.

2. Increase Sales Success

Once your product is recognized by consumers, the opportunity to sell will certainly increase.

To achieve this goal, there are several things that we must pay attention to.

  1. Maintain product quality in order to gain consumer trust
  2. Provide accurate service
  3. Use promotion techniques and choose the right brand name

We can see examples – examples that exist today. Look carefully, how big companies do promotions either through the internet or other media. You can imitate or at least understand how their promotion works.

3. Improve Your Company’s Reputation.

Marketing activities can actually help your company’s reputation be higher. So it will have a big impact. It could be a lot of cooperation that will grow either from among other companies or from among consumers.

From marketing activities, awareness arises about the existence of your business, from here the term engagement or connection with consumers arises.

4.  Can Make The Company Continue To Grow Rapidly Because Of Experience In The Field Of Marketing.

Marketing activities can have another impact. That is the impact where you as the owner can know the development of your business so far.

This is because you know and have experience about the best marketing techniques for your company. Unlike when you don’t pay attention to marketing, all assessments can’t be done clearly.

This activity can be realized if you have complete records. Namely notes in the form of marketing strategies, sales effects caused, costs used, and profits earned. All of that can give you an idea, where marketing is going next. Do you need to change or keep using other marketing strategies.

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