Having a naturally beautiful face is certainly the dream of many people. You can make this dream come true by taking the following steps that not only maintain beauty, but can also nourish the body. Curious about anything?

Tips for maintaining health so that you look naturally beautiful

Skin and body must be cared for properly if you want to look naturally beautiful without the need to use various types of beauty products. So you are not only beautiful from the outside, but also beautiful from the inside. You can do the following things to make it happen.

1. Drink lots of water

Drinking water can keep your body healthy and make your skin healthier. This is because water contains oxygen that your skin needs. However, that does not mean that drinking excess water can be a way to get rid of wrinkles or fine lines.

Dehydration (lack of fluids) makes your skin look drier and wrinkled. So drinking water can improve the health of your skin and prevent premature aging. Try to drink 8-10 glasses of water a day. No need to force yourself to drink up to liters.

2. Limit alcohol or avoid it altogether

Alcoholic beverages can damage your skin, as it can dehydrate your body and skin. Drinking excessive alcoholic beverages, for example more than 1-2 glasses a day can damage the liver, which plays a role in eliminating toxins in the body. So that the poison will be mixed in the blood because it cannot be removed. This can make your skin less healthy, dull, and acne prone.

In addition, drinking excessive alcohol can also cause the pores to widen, blood vessels to dilate and can burst, and the overgrowth of oil glands.

3. Removes dead skin

The removal or exfoliation of dead skin cells is known as the exfoliation method. Dead skin cells have almost the same color as dull skin. Therefore, it is necessary to exfoliate to get clean and glowing skin.

You can do exfoliation at home by using a body scrub or with the help of a dermatologist in order to get naturally beautiful skin.

4. Exercise regularly

Exercise can certainly keep your body healthy. Regular exercise can make you have more energy and stay in shape. A study reports that endurance exercise can help fight, even reverse, signs of aging such as baldness, gray hair, and thinning and wrinkled skin.

Endurance training is an aerobic activity, such as brisk walking, running or cycling. This exercise can improve cardiovascular and respiratory health. The longer you can do aerobic exercise, the stronger your endurance will be.

5. Stop squeezing pimples

If you like squeezing or popping pimples, stop this habit from now on. Because squeezing a pimple can cause scarring and infection. In addition, this habit can exacerbate inflammation and increase the risk of acne scars.

6. Don’t wash your hair every day

Some people may feel like they haven’t showered if they don’t wash their hair. In fact, washing your hair every day or too often can wash away the natural oils on the scalp. In fact, this oil is actually needed to maintain the nutrition and natural shine of the hair.

So, to get naturally beautiful hair, you should only wash it every two days. It is also not recommended that you use a hair dryer or straightener every day

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