Digital Marketing Steps

In digital marketing activities there is the term AIDA (Awareness, interest, desire, and action), especially in the process of introducing products or services to the market (consumers). To do digital marketing, there are several steps you need to take, namely Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action. Here are the steps to take:

  • Awareness

That is marketing to build consumer awareness by placing advertisements about the products or services you offer in various online media.

  • Interest

After making people aware that there are products or services that you offer, interest will arise. In general, consumers will immediately seek information about the products or services you offer in the market for the offline system. As for the online system, usually consumers will find out information about the product or service through search engines such as, (google, Yahoo!, chrome etc.) or social networking sites such as, (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook etc.).

  • Desire

After consumers are interested in the product or service, then consumers will have the desire to try the product or service that you offer. If through an online system, consumers will look for information that can be obtained about the product or service through websites and others.

  • Action

After knowing information about the product or service through various systems, both online and offline, consumers will certainly take action in the form of buying the product or using the services that have been offered.

  • Keys to successful Digital Marketing marketing:
  • Must pay attention to the terms on AIDA (Awareness, Interest, Desire, and Action)
  • The market is a place for two-way communication to obtain such communication, brands must position themselves first, through various media (forums, blogs, etc.) and the most effective is through social media.

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