Types of Websites by Function

Websites are also divided based on the function and purpose of their creation. Here are some of the most common website functions

1. Personal Blog or Website

Since the early 2000s, blogs have become a new trend as personal journals that can be managed and accessed online. If you want to write about your personal experiences, opinions, or travel stories, you can publish them on a blog.

Writing blog stories can even be used as a job. Many Indonesian bloggers are successful through their blogs such as Trinity Traveler, Anak Snack, and Sugeng.

2. Ecommerce/Online Store

You can also use the website to create an online store. Even if you are already selling on the marketplace or social media, you still need a website. Just as you have a physical store in the real world, the website can function as your “store” in cyberspace.

You can direct potential customers from social media to online store websites so that all transactions occur on the website. So all online store transactions can be recorded automatically and you can evaluate them easily with the help of Google Analytics.ogle Analytics.

3. Company Website

If your company does not make transactions online, you also need to have the company’s official website so that potential customers can find official information about the company

That way, consumers’ trust in your company will increase because they can find the official information they need through search engines.

4. Blog (Content Marketing)

Besides being used as a personal journal, blogs can also be used as a content marketing tool. You can bring traffic to your online store website or company website through a blog. You can create content or articles using keywords that are often used by your potential customers. For example, you sell leather shoes. You can write articles on content marketing blogs with keywords like “how to care for leather shoes” or “best leather shoes”.

5. Government Organizations or Agencies

The website can also be used as the official website of the organization. This is so that the public can easily access the latest information about the organization’s activities. Usually, the organization’s website uses the .org or .or.id domain. Meanwhile, government agency websites use the .go.id domain.

6. Media Sharing

This type of website is useful for sharing media, both images, music files, and videos. Users can upload to the site and can be seen by other users. Examples of this type of website are like soundcloud, youtube, and various web stock photos.

7. Online Community

The website can also be used as an online community. There are various online communities on the internet with various topics. Usually an online community website only discusses one particular topic.

On this online community website, visitors can get the latest information, tips, or tutorials on one or more specific topics.

For example, Indonesian web hosting users have an online community website for Web Hosting Discussions. Book readers also have a Good Reads online community website. There is also a women’s online community called Female Daily.

8. News Website

Websites with the aim of spreading the word are probably the type of website most familiar to you. In the all-digital era, online news portals have succeeded in shifting other forms of media as sources of information.

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