Does space have limits, or is it endless?

Right on top of you, there is the sky – or, as scientists call it, the atmosphere. The atmosphere stretches for about 20 miles (32 kilometers) above the Earth. Are floating around the atmosphere is a mixture of molecules – the element of air which is so small that billions of in which you breathe each time breathing.
In the upper atmosphere there is a space. Outer space has a number of molecules are much less, with a lot of empty space in between.
Do you ever imagine what happens when you wander into outer space – and will continue to penetrate the endlessly? What will you find?
Scientists like me can explain a lot of things that you will see in there. But there are some things also that we do not know, such as whether space continues to extend endless.
Planets, stars, and galaxies
At the beginning of the journey you are exploring space, you will find some of the scenery. The earth is part of a group of planets all orbiting or around the Sun – with some asteroids and comets that mixes and also orbiting the Sun.
You probably know that the Sun is actually just a regular star, and look larger and brighter than other stars only because it is close to us. To reach the next closest star, you have to travel trillions of miles. In fact, if you can ride a spacecraft is the fastest ever made any NASA, you still need thousands of years to get there.
If the star we say like the house, then the galaxy is a city filled with houses. Scientists estimate there are 100 billion stars in the galaxy of the Earth. If you can see the stars from far, far away from the outside of the Earth’s galaxy, the 100 billion stars it will look like the light buildings the city, if viewed from an airplane.
Recently astronomers have learned that many or even most of the stars have planets orbiting own. Some even Earth-like, so it’s possible they are also the home for other creatures that may be wondering what there is out there.
You must travel through more of the millions of trillions of miles of space to reach other galaxies. Most of the space was almost completely empty, with only a few molecules of wild and invisible particles that scientists called “dark matter.”
By using a large telescope, astronomers see millions of galaxies out there – and the galaxy-a galaxy that is constantly moving, in any direction.
If you can pay attention long enough, for millions of years, it will look like new spaces gradually appeared in between all of the galaxies. You can visualize this by imagining the little dots on the surface of the balloon deflated and if the balloon was filled with air, then the dots will continue to move away from each other, as well as the galaxy.
Is there a limit?
If you can continue to fly as far as you want, whether you will continue to wade through the galaxy forever? Is there a number of galaxies of the infinite in every direction? Or is everything ultimately there is a limit? And if there is a limit, such as what limits it?
This is a question that scientists do not yet have a definitive answer. Many think of the possibilities you’re just going to continue to pass through the galaxies in all directions, forever. In this case, the universe would be infinite, without end.
Some scientists think that maybe the universe will eventually return to the starting point – so if you can continue to wade through outer space, one day you will be back to where you started, from the other direction.
One way to think about it is to imagine the ball of the world, and imagine that you are a creature that can only move on the surface. If you start walking in any direction, to the east for example, and keep walking, eventually you’re going back to where you started. If this happens in the universe, it means the universe is not too big – although still greater than you can imagine.
In both cases, you will never be able to get to the end of the universe or space. Scientists now consider it unlikely universe have an end – region of that galaxy to stop or there will be a kind of barrier that marks the end of the space.
But no one knows for sure. These questions need to be solved by future scientists.

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