Dangers Of Using Headsets While Sleeping That Needs To Be Watched

6 the dangers of using the headset while sleeping

Reporting of Parenting First Cry, the actual bed wearing the headset is not prohibited. But in some cases, the use of a headset that is too far in the ear and the volume of the song which is very hard in the long term can be detrimental to your health. For more details, here is a variety of potential dangers of using the headset during sleep.

1. A buildup of earwax

The dangers of using the headset during sleep the first is a buildup of earwax. This issue can occur when you use the headset in the ear. The use of a headset that is too far in may hamper air circulation inside the ear so as to make dirt pushed into the eardrum. In the long term, earwax can accumulate and difficult to clean.

2. Cause otitis externa

The dangers of disposable headset to sleep next is otitis externa. This medical condition occurs when the ear canal irritation. It should be understood, the ear canal has an important function because it connects the outer ear to the eardrum. Otitis externa is commonly experienced by outdoor athletes. However, sleep wear the headset in the long term also is believed to cause it.

3. Invite necrosis

Necrosis has also become one of the dangers of the headset during sleep to watch out for, especially if the headset that you wear the size not fitting. Therefore, the part of the headset that doesn’t fit can damage the tissue around the ear hole. Necrosis is a medical condition that is characterized by tissue death. If this happens in the part of the ear, the surrounding tissue can be damaged.

4. Strangle neck

Using a headset with a long cable it is feared that can make your neck to suffocate. Because, when your body moves when sleeping, the wires of headset can also join the deal and potentially strangling.

5. Result in hearing loss

One result of bed wearing the headset in the long term is a hearing loss, especially if the volume is too large and the duration is long. Listen to a headset in a volume that is too large and long duration even believed it could lead to permanent hearing loss.

6. Late wake up when the time emergency

Besides being believed to be detrimental to health, the dangers of using a headset while sleeping are considered capable of harming your daily life. For example, when you turn on the alarm to wake up in the morning, your ears are still covered by a headset with music that is too loud. This situation can potentially make you wake up late during an emergency, such as being late for work or school. The worst case may be that you don’t wake up during a fire or natural disaster.

How to overcome insomnia along with the headset

After understanding the various dangers using your headset when you sleep over, you might be wondering, is there any other way that can be used to sleep quickly without music? Therefore, some people may new able to sleep if you listen to music with the headset. Here are a variety of how to overcome insomnia in addition to using the headset and music.

• Yoga

Yoga is an activity that is trusted as how to overcome insomnia. In fact, a study published in the journal Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine stated, yoga is able to improve the quality, effectiveness, and duration of sleep.

• Exercise

Exercise is a way to overcome insomnia which also nourish the body. Reported from a study in the journal Pathologie-Program, exercise is able to increase the production of the hormone serotonin and reduces the stress hormone aka cortisol. As a result, you can sleep more soundly.

• Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is carried out by way of inhaling the fragrant essential oils or essential oil to make you relax. Essential oils are quite popular used for aroma therapy, including lavender and peppermint. A review of 12 studies published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, aromatherapy is considered effective to improve the quality of sleep.

• White noise

If you can’t be separated from music while sleeping, try to use white noise, like the sound of rain, the sound of the waves in the sea, to the sounds of the forest are calming. Quoted from the Sleep Foundation, white noise can help you fall asleep faster.

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