Recently, almost everyone has an application called tiktok. It is undeniable that TikTok is everyone’s favorite application, because there people …

Recently, almost everyone has an application called tiktok. It is undeniable that TikTok is everyone’s favorite application, because there people …
Kemajuan dalam digital marketing menghadirkan istilah-istilah baru dalam pemasaran. Seperti yang belakangan sering kita dengar adalah paid promote dan endorsement. …
SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing which is a marketing strategy to raise a website to the top rank in …
Personal branding can increase various opportunities both in business and in career. There are several tips on how to do …
One way that every business actor does to promote their products is by placing advertisements. Advertising is used to persuade …
The Rise of Influencer Marketing Influencers have evolved into a small, specific, niche segment of social media users. They have …
Definition Marketing tools are the weapons of everyone who works in the marketing department. By using the right marketing …
Definition of soft selling and hard selling Soft selling Soft selling is a way of approaching or selling that is …
Definition Social media marketing is one of the various types of marketing that are now widely used. Simply put, this …
In marketing you must have heard of telemarketing. Does anyone still not understand what telemarketing is? If so, let’s take …