Benefits of Consumption of Cork Fish for Health

Eating fish is an option to maintain a healthy lifestyle that starts with food. By routinely making fish as a side dish, your daily protein needs will be fulfilled. Of the various types of fish that contain high protein, one of them is snakehead fish. Fish are quite easy to find in a number of waters in Indonesia because of their habitat in fresh water, but the nutritional content is very high and is needed for body growth and development. Although the shape is a little scary, nutritionists agree to recommend this fish as a family nutrition menu.

This fish has the Latin name hanna striata is known as a predatory fish that preys on fish, insects, and small water animals in their natural habitat. In Indonesia, snakehead fish is also known by various names bocek, aruan, curses, to kabos. Even in a number of other areas in the archipelago, snakehead fish also have other names that are familiar enough to be the subject of daily conversation.

This fish which in English is known as snakehead has a physical resemblance to a snake with an elongated body and a dark color.

Nutrient Content in Snakehead Fish Quoting, based on Indonesian Food Composition Data figures, each content of snakehead fish (when calculated from the weight of 100 grams in a fresh state) has a variety of total nutritional content, including: Water: 79.6 grams , Calories: 80 kcal, Protein: 16.2 grams, Fat: 0.5 grams, Carbohydrates: 2.6 grams, Fiber: 0.0 grams, Calcium: 170 milligrams, Phosphorus: 139 milligrams, Iron: 0.1 milligrams, Sodium: 65 milligrams, Potassium: 254 milligrams, Copper: 0.3 milligrams, Zinc: 0.4 milligrams, Retinol (Vit. A): 335 micrograms, Thiamin (Vit. B1): 0.4 milligrams, Riboflavin ( Vit. B2): 0.2 milligrams, Niacin (Vit. B3): 0.1 milligrams. recommended by

The benefits of cork fish for body health

According to several studies, snakehead fish has a higher nutritional content than other types of fish consumption. Snakehead fish has a protein content of about 25.5 percent. This amount is higher when compared to the protein content of carp (16 percent), milkfish (20 percent), snapper (20 percent), or sardines (21.1 percent).

Snakehead fish is also famous for its albumin content, which is a protein in blood plasma whose function is to keep fluid in the blood from leaking into other tissues. This protein also helps carry various substances throughout the body, such as hormones, vitamins, and enzymes.

Albumin also has other benefits for the health of your body. Here are some surprising properties and benefits of snakehead fish that you need to know.

1. Helps muscle growth and formation

Snakehead fish has a higher protein content than other types of freshwater fish, such as catfish, carp, or tilapia. Even the protein content can compete with other animal protein sources, such as beef, chicken, or eggs.

You can get about 16.2 grams of protein by eating 100 grams of snakehead fish. Try to compare it with the protein content per 100 grams of serving found in beef (17.5 grams), chicken (18.2 grams), and eggs (12.4 grams).

The high protein content in snakehead fish has various beneficial properties for the development of the body. One of them helps the process of growth and muscle formation in your body.

2. Accelerate post-operative wound healing

Snakehead fish meat has a very high albumin content. You need to know, albumin is one type of protein that has a myriad of benefits, one of which is very important in the wound healing process.

A study conducted by Hasanuddin University Makassar researchers found that giving snakehead fish concentrate capsules for 14 days at 0.7 g/dl could accelerate wound healing in post-operative patients, including post-cesarean delivery wounds.

The albumin content of snakehead fish will help increase the body’s albumin levels to normal. While in hospitalized patients, snakehead fish is useful for maintaining albumin values ​​so that it helps the healing process.

3. Maintain fluid balance in the body

Albumin substances also have the function of maintaining fluid balance in the body. If the condition of the fluid in your body is reduced, the protein that enters the body will break so that it cannot function normally.

In addition, albumin also helps keep fluids in the blood from leaking into other body tissues. If your body lacks albumin (hypoalbuminemia), fluid can leak into other tissues, such as ascites, which is a buildup of fluid between the lining of the abdominal wall and internal organs.

Normally, 60 percent of blood plasma consists of albumin content. One of the benefits of consuming snakehead fish is to increase and maintain albumin levels in the body.

4. Improving malnutrition

The benefits of snakehead fish can also improve the poor nutritional conditions experienced by infants, toddlers, children, and pregnant women. This is caused by a lack of albumin in the body (hypoalbuminemia) which causes nutrients to not be circulated properly throughout the body.

Therefore, one of the risks if the body lacks albumin is malnutrition or nutritional disorders, especially in infants and children. Well, consumption of snakehead fish on a regular basis can improve this disorder.

At least by consuming 100 grams of cork fish serving, it is enough to meet various daily nutritional needs which are very important for health.

5. Maintain a healthy digestive system

Snakehead fish has a softer meat structure, so you don’t have to worry about the health of your digestive system.

Benefits for maintaining digestion because snakehead fish meat has a lower collagen protein than the protein content contained in meat. Snakehead fish only has about 3 to 5 percent of the total collagen protein content.

Tips for safe eating snakehead fish

Seeing the nutritional content possessed by snakehead fish, of course, this fish has great potential to be used as various processed products, such as shredded, nuggets, otak-otak, and other dishes. However, to get the full benefits of snakehead fish, proper cooking techniques are needed to keep the nutrients in it from being wasted.

You can make snakehead fish as a source of protein in your daily diet. In addition to meeting protein needs, you are also important to meet other nutritional needs, such as carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, to fats to stay healthy and balanced.

You can also use high protein content for a diet program. However, you should consult your doctor or nutritionist to get the right advice according to your condition.

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