Graphic design is broadly divided into five categories, namely printing, web design, film, the identification of which is also often called a logo, and product design. Where each category is closely related to graphic communication.

Well, if you already work in the field of graphic design, it’s time you determine the category of graphic design which is suitable with passion you.


Printing is an industrial process for mass-producing text and images, primarily with ink on paper using a printing machine. He is an important part in the publishing and printing of the transaction. Printing own load design load of books, magazines, posters, booklets, leaflets, flyers, pamphlets, advertising, and other similar publications in printed form.

2. Web Design

Web design is a general term used include how the contents of the web content is displayed, the (usually hypertext or hypermedia) that is delivered to the end-user through the World Wide Web, using a web browser or web-based software. The purpose of web design is to create a website—a collection of online content including documents and applications that reside on a web server / servers.

3. Film

Graphic design-related industries of film and TV include several activities, among other things, visual concept, story board, tittle & credits, special effects, stage design, up to the promotional material in the form of banners, movie posters, advertising and also the material production results in the form of VCD or DVD of the film

4. EGD (environmental Graphic Design), identify (Logo)

The second field (EGD and Logo) is a professional design which includes graphic design, architect design, industrial design, and garden architect.

5. Product Design

Product design can be called also as Industrial Design is a field of science in the planning and design of goods to meet human needs. A masterpiece of design is considered as intellectual property because it is a result of the fruit of the mind and creativity of pendesainnya, so copyrighted by the government through Law No. The 31-year 2000 about Industrial Design.The term of protection for industrial designs is 10 years from the date of receipt of the application for Industrial Design to the Office of the Directorate general of Intellectual property Rights.

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