If content is the king, then the typography is the crown and the design is his throne. Typography becomes one of the essential elements in the world of the creative industries, or specifically in the field of graphic design, GenK.
Typography is the essential element that will help you create any content so the more interesting. Not just show more okay, your content can also be more easily accepted by consumers loh. Therefore, the principle of basic typography is a thing that must be mastered if you want to succeed in the world of graphic design. Let’s see explanation details!
Definition Of Typography
The first step to learning the principles of typography is to know the true meaning of typography, GenK. As the saying goes, if you don’t know, you don’t love. ️ ?
Typography is used to translate a visual masterpiece in the form of language that can be easily understood by many people.
Started to detail the pixels that compose the shape of a comma, to draw up the text block on the baseline grid, typography will help you design the structure of the information is organized.
Talk about typography is not only about play of fonts and be creative with typeface, but how to make use of typefaces as a means to maximize the potential resources in the form of the elements of design with more better.
Font vs Typeface
After discussing the definition of the typography on top of, there certainly is one question that then arises in your mind, what is the difference between a typeface and a font? Hayo, who are often confused with two terms that are commonly used in the world of graphic design this? ?
Both in the field of design, print and digital, the font is a combination of characters that includes its weight, size, and style of a letters, numbers, or symbols. While the typeface refers to the design forms the visual character of a set of letters last.
If likened to the nih, a typeface is the ‘face’ that distinguishes between a font family with a collection of other letters and the font is the body which is an integral element of typography itself.
Type-A Type Of Typeface
Among the various principles of typography that exist, the choice of the right font is a must have mastered every designer. Typeface used in a variety of product design will be the identity that describes a brand.
Therefore, by understanding the types of typeface, you can determine which combination is appropriate for conveying a message through the work of your designs more effectively, GenK. ?
Although now you can find many kinds of typeface, three types that are most widely used in the world of graphic design are serif, sans serif, and monospace.
1. Serif
this she typeface million people who have a hallmark on the small outline of the transverse section of the tip toward the outer body of the letter. Typeface that is also known by the roman typeface is most often used for the headline and the text of the narrative.
Example : Georgia, Adobe Garamond Pro, Times New Roman, Palatino Linotype, dan Cambria.
2. Sans Serif
Similar but not similar, sans serif’ve got the main difference with the typeface serif, namely the absence of the small lines at the end of the letter. Taken from the term in French, the word sans means “no”, as the name suggests, GenK. ?
If the typeface serif has the character of a solemn and elegant, then sans serif fonts are known to be more dynamic and modern. For that, typeface this one is widely used as the body of the text for the pages of the website because of its small size and easy to read.
Example : Arial, Helvetica, Verdana, and Tahoma.
3. Monospace
Kind of typeface that last one is monospace. As the name implies, typeface is easily identified on the letters that have the same width between the one and the other.
Typeface monospace most often utilized in a digital world, to display the code and the plain text of the website that is easily read by users, GenK.
Example : Courier, Consolas, and Andale Mono.
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