Hi my friend, see you again hehehe!, Dear friends, do you know that there is not only Adobe or Corel design software, but also other design software such as GIMP. So, let’s introduce this one software!

Definition of GIMP

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulative Program) is a free software developed and distributed on the Linux platform. The application program for bitmap processing and digital imaging GIMP can be said to be the most popular in its time used by computer users with the Linux operating system. The first GIMP program written by Peter Mattis and Spencer Kimball is GIMP version 0.54 which was released in 1996. GIMP is used by many enthusiasts and practitioners who have graphic design skills who use the Linux operating system to process and manipulate images or photos according to the creativity of designers. . GIMP has undergone improvements from the previous version, making it easier to operate. One example is the change in brush size which is now made more flexible, and the addition of a color menu.

Gimp also has tools that are commonly known as in other image processing programs, it also has plug-ins or filters that can be used to create various image effects. These plug-ins are published on the internet. The website is a great place to get a complete description and development of the program. In addition, there are also many functions in Gimp that can be run automatically. The scripting language used to perform these functions is known as Script Fu.

GIMP Features

GIMP’s features include:

As a program for coloring.
Image viewer (image renderer) with mass production.
Automatic online processing system.
Quality photo editing program.
Image format conversion / switching.
and much more.

History of GIMP

GIMP originally stood for GIMP’s Image Manipulation Program, the creators of the software were Spencer Kimball and Peter Mattis., began developing GIMP in 1995 as a semester-long project at the University of California, Berkeley. The first public release of GIMP (0.54) was made in January 1996, In 1997 GIMP became part of the GNU project, and the abbreviation GIMP was changed to GNU Image Manipulation Program. Currently GIMP is managed and improved by a group of volunteers under the auspices of the GNOME Project.

GIMP was originally created for UNIX systems, Linux, SGI IRIX, and HP-UX were supported on the first release. Since the first release of GIMP it was quickly adopted and an emerging community of users created tutorials, artwork and techniques together. Since its initial release, GIMP has been ported to many operating systems including Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X; The original port to the win32 platform was started by Finnish programmer Tor Lillqvist (TML) in 1997 and was supported in the 1.1 GIMP release.

GIMP has used three graphical user interface (GUI) toolkits since its inception; GIMP Motif was originally used in the first public release (0.54). At some point Petrus Mattis became disillusioned with Motif and developed his own GUI toolkit called GIMP (GTK); GTK has successfully replaced Motif in the 0.60 release of GIMP, Finally GTK was rewritten into an object. oriented and renamed GTK+, this was first seen in GIMP 0.99.

So that’s about our introduction to the GIMP software, hopefully it’s useful and bye

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