Wide Area Network

Definition of WAN (Wide Area Network)

WAN or Wide Area Network is a computer network with a very large coverage area such as a computer network that covers between regions, cities and even between countries with the definition of computer networks that use routers and public communication channels.

WAN (Wide Area Network) function

•         Can increase the efficiency of information flow transfer

•         Integrating and combining LAN and MAN networks into one

•         Can simplify and speed up the flow of information and communication

•        It can prevent miscommunication

•         Can save operational costs

•         Supporting the operations of a multinational and international company

Characteristics of WAN Network (Wide Area Network)

•         To connect devices that cannot be connected via LAN and MAN networks, therefore WAN networks are used to connect wide networks.

•         WAN has a wide coverage area.

•         Using serial connections of various types to be able to access bandwidth in remote locations.

•         Can perform data packets and frames between routers or switches and LAN networks that have been built.

•          Working at the physical layer and data link from the OSI layer.

WAN (Wide Area Network) Network Devices

Router is an increase in the ability of the bridge.

ATM Switch, ATM Switch provides high speed data transfer between LAN and WAN.

Modem and CSU/DSU, Modem converts digital and analog signals.

CSU/DSU (Channel Service Unit/Data Service Unit), sends data in digital format via digital telephone network.

Communication Server is a dedicated â€oedial in/outâ€? for users to be able to dial from a remote location so that they can connect to the LAN.

Multiplexer, a multiplexer transmits a combination of several signals through a circuit (circuit).

X.25/Frame Relay Switches connect local/private data over a data network, using digital signals.

Types of WAN (Wide Area Network)

  1. Leased Line

Lased line is a type of WAN that is often referred to as a dedicated point to point connection.

A dedicated point to point connection is a type of WAN that does not require a call setup process to initiate data transmission. So the mechanism for sending data packets is done with Synchronous serial.

2.Circuit Switching

This type of WAN will first make a call setup to establish a connection, the goal is to be able to start sending data.

PSTN and ISDN are protocols on WANs that use circuit switching connections on public networks.

Packet Switching

The benefit of the Packet Switching connection is that users can share bandwidth with other users so that the connection will be more stable and can adjust bandwidth according to the number of users.

The definition of Packet Switching is the development of the Lased Line connection and mechanically connecting it in Synchronous Serial.