What Is the Food For People With Tipes?

Typhoid fever or typhus is a serious bacterial infection caused by poor sanitation. The germ that causes typhoid is the bacterium Salmonella typhi. These bacteria can live in human feces and urine. Patients can become infected with typhoid when they eat food or drink contaminated with the disease-causing bacteria. When bacteria enter the body, these germs will multiply, spread to the bloodstream, and trigger a series of typhus symptoms.

Launching Kids’sHealth, the main symptoms of typhoid are high fever, abdominal pain, diarrhea or constipation, and feeling unwell. Symptoms of typhoid appear one to two weeks after the patient is exposed to the bacteria Salmonella typhi.

If the infection is not treated immediately, the patient’s weight can drop, the abdomen swells, and a rash appears under the chest or upper abdomen. A sign of proper medical treatment, typhoid can last more than a month until it is life-threatening. Typhoid fever can be treated with antibiotics prescribed by a doctor. After two to three days of treatment, sufferers can begin to feel their health conditions improve. During the healing period, typhoid sufferers need to be supported by the right diet. The following are foods for people with typhus and their taboos.

Food For Typhus

Launching Healthline, dietary changes cannot necessarily cure typhus. However, the right diet can help relieve typhus symptoms. Types of food for people with typhoid focus on relieving indigestion, while supplying enough energy to help recovery. Typhoid patients are advised to eat nutrient-dense and easy-to-digest foods, such as:

  • Vegetables that are cooked until soft such as potatoes, carrots, green beans, beets, pumpkin
  • Less acidic fruits such as ripe bananas, melons, and other seedless fruits
  • Carbohydrates can come from white rice, white bread, pastries
  • The choice of protein can be eggs, chicken, fish, tofu, tempeh, ground beef
  • Low-fat or fat-free pasteurized milk

Food Taboos For People With Typhoid

Recommendations for dietary restrictions for people with typhoid need to avoid intakes that are difficult to digest and foods that are prone to causing stomach pain, such as:

  • Raw vegetables such as broccoli, kale, cauliflower, cabbage, raw onions
  • Sour-tasting fruits such as pineapple, kiwi, dried fruit
  • Whole grains such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, quinoa, barley
  • Black beans, kidney beans, lentils and chickpeas
  • Spicy food
  • Fatty and high-calorie foods such as fried foods

In addition to the row of taboo foods for typhus sufferers above, it is better for sufferers not to eat food and drinks that are not guaranteed to be clean. The thing to note is that the food recommendations for typhus are designed as a temporary diet during the healing period. Do not use it as a long-term diet because some of the list of taboo foods for people with typhoid above have important nutrients for the body. After being given the green light by the doctor and declared cured, typhoid sufferers need to gradually switch back to a balanced nutritional pattern. This transition needs to be done slowly so that the sufferer’s digestion is not shocked, so that the stomach is not bloated or bloated.

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