What is Flutter?

Flutter is a framework used when building mobile applications. Flutter is included in the native cross platform framework, which means it can be used to build mobile applications across platforms, be it Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, and macOS.

The 2015 Dart Developer Summit was the first time Flutter was introduced to a global audience. Flutter is a Google-owned technology that was specifically built to allow mobile developers to build applications with a better UI that can be natively compiled into mobile, web, and desktop applications from just one line of code.
The first stable version of Flutter or version 1.0 was released by Google at the Flutter Live Event in 2018. Then, Flutter 1.12 was released at the Flutter Interact event in December 2019.

Flutter is a cross platform framework, which means it is compatible for multiple platforms. For example, if you want to create a mobile application that runs on Android and iOS, then with Flutter you only need to code once.
Why is Flutter Fast Popular?

(1) Cross-Platform
The cool thing is, not only mobile applications can be made with Flutter, because you can also create web and desktop applications. In this way, Flutter can save you time and effort because it can cut down on the processes that must be passed.

(2) Hurry
Then, Flutter has a feature called Hot Reload. This feature is claimed to speed up the application development process, you know. How come? So, every time you make changes to the code, click Hot Reload and the app will automatically change accordingly in less than 1 second. So sophisticated right?!

(3) Nice UI
At the beginning it was said that Flutter was built so that mobile developers could build applications with beautiful UI. How can that be? Flutter is built using widgets, so for example we add a text field, then the text field is a widget. The same applies to buttons, images which are also treated as widgets.
Component settings to be centered using the center widget. So, the widget describes what the application that is being created looks like.

Flutter is currently used by large companies to create their applications, such as the BMW app, Nubank app, Tencent App, Google Assistant, Square app, and many others.
AsiaQuest Indonesia, as an IT consultant who always applies the latest technology is also not left behind. We develop mobile applications using Flutter as in the mobile application development project JEMS Quizz App, a quiz application intended for students in Japan who wish to take the emergency medical technician national exam.

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