Good food choices for diabetes

Food contains glucose which will be useful for the body as a source of energy. Well, all the food and drinks consumed will generally affect blood sugar levels in the body.

As a diabetic, you certainly need to pay attention to the food that comes in so that your blood sugar remains stable and avoids diabetes complications.

In addition to avoiding diabetes dietary restrictions that are high in sugar, you also need to know what foods you should consume. Generally, diabetics are recommended to eat foods that have a low glycemic index.

The glycemic index (GI) is a measure of how quickly a food raises blood sugar in the body. Foods with a low glycemic index mean that they take longer to be processed into glucose in the body. That way, blood sugar will tend to be relatively stable.

  • Corn

Corn has a low glycemic value so it can be used as a staple food substitute for rice which is good for diabetics.

Citing the Harvard Medical School page, the GI value of 100 grams of corn is 46, while the glycemic load is 14. For comparison, the glycemic load of 150 grams of white rice is 29. The lower the glycemic load of a food, the better for people suffering from diabetes.

In addition, this food for diabetes also contains fiber and starch (a type of complex carbohydrate) which takes longer to be digested by the body. This makes blood sugar levels do not rise so quickly after eating.

The longer digestion process also makes the stomach full longer. The desire to snack on unhealthy foods can be prevented.

A study in the journal Food Science and Human Wellness recently found that regularly eating corn that is rich in starch every day can help people with diabetes control their blood sugar better.

  • Sweet Potato

In addition to filling, sweet potatoes are a food that provides good benefits for controlling blood sugar in diabetics.

Sweet potatoes are a suitable food for diabetes because they have a lower glycemic index than potatoes. The glycemic value of one serving of boiled sweet potatoes is 44, while that of boiled potatoes is 80.

The content of fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, and potassium in this food is also good for diabetes. You can enjoy sweet potatoes in a variety of ways, from boiling, roasting, or mashing them.

  • Whole Grain

Whole grains are one of the healthiest foods for diabetes. Well, one of the most popular whole grain variants in a diabetic diet is whole wheat.

Whole grains include foods with low glycemic value that are also high in fiber. These two beneficial combinations can help slow down the absorption of glucose in the blood.In addition, whole grains also contain good vitamins and minerals to complement the nutritional needs of diabetics. In addition to whole grains, several types of whole grains are good for diabetes, including:

• Brown rice

• Quinoa

• Barley (barley)

• Black rice

• Buckwheat (horse wheat or buckwheat)

  • Green Leafy Vegetables

Some starchy vegetables are high in carbohydrates with a high glycemic index. However, not all vegetables contain starch.

There are also non-starchy vegetables that have carbohydrates and a low glycemic index, green vegetables for example.

Leafy greens are rich in the antioxidants lutein and zeaxanthin. Both antioxidants can help protect the eyes from macular degeneration and cataracts. Both of these conditions are visual disturbances due to the most common complications of diabetes.

Here are some types of green vegetables that are recommended as food for diabetes, namely:

• Broccoli

• Spinach

• Mustard

• Bok choy

• Cabbage

You can eat a variety of green vegetables in the form of fresh vegetables, mixed salads, soups, stir-fries, and so on.

Both for diabetics and healthy people, it is recommended to consume this blood sugar-lowering food as much as 250 grams of vegetables per day. The amount is equivalent to two and a half servings of cooked vegetables.

  • Nuts

Nuts are a safe choice of food or snack for diabetics. The reason, beans are rich in fiber and protein. Nuts also contain complex carbohydrates and include foods that have a low glycemic index.

Therefore, nuts take longer to convert to glucose, so they don’t cause a drastic rise in blood sugar. It doesn’t stop there, this blood sugar-lowering food is also enriched with magnesium which plays a role in keeping blood sugar levels stable.

Some choices of nuts that are healthy foods for diabetes include:

• Almond nut

• Walnuts

• Cashew nut

• Pistachios

• Peanuts for diabetes

• Red beans

But you need to be careful in consuming these nuts. The reason is, nuts are high in calories so they should not be consumed in excess because they can increase weight. While being overweight is one of the causes of diabetes.

Of the many types of nuts that have been mentioned above, soybeans are also included in the ranks of foods that are good for diabetics. This is in accordance with research conducted by Young-Cheul Kim of the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Eating a healthy diet for diabetics has been shown to lower cholesterol, blood sugar levels, and improve insulin sensitivity.

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