Want to be a Web Developer? Here’s How

In today’s era, the need for companies or agencies for websites is very high. Websites have an important role in today’s industry, especially industries related to the digital world.
The site can act as a means of communication between companies and consumers, besides that it can also be used as a company promotion media. The high demand for websites in today’s era has sparked the emergence of new professions that are closely related to the web world.
Like web developers. What’s that? A web developer is a web-based application maker created using a programming language.
In addition, web developers also have a number of other responsibilities that are carried out. These include connecting all resources on the web, creating dynamic web pages, and managing web traffic.
Becoming a web developer is not easy. Especially if you have the desire to become a successful and professional web developer.
There are several understandable ways to become a web developer. If you want to become a web developer, here’s how, as quoted from Cermati.com.
1. Know the Development of the Web Developer Industry
The first step that can be taken is to know in advance how the industry is developing in the web developer field. Many benefits can be taken from here.
Knowing the development of this industry can make you more aware and learn the ins and outs of this profession. So, you are better able to prepare yourself and mentally in advance to become a web developer.
Media for learning to become a web developer is quite easy. It can be through blogs or podcasts that provide discussions and articles about web developers.
2. Join the Hackathon Program
The next step that can be taken to learn web developers is to join the Hackathon program. Hackathon is a collaborative program between actors in the IT field.
In this program, you can meet directly with people from a number of professions in the IT field, including web developers. You can talk and discuss IT, web, and web developers with them.

Not only that, through this program you can also ask for their personal contact or business card. The goal is that you can build communication and networks. And can contact them directly if you want to ask questions or learn more.
In addition, you can also learn and practice skills related to the world of web development. One of them is coding.
Learning to code cannot be done alone, you can form a team to learn coding specifically. Through this method, you will definitely be able to improve teamwork skills which will be needed when you become a web developer.
3. Creating Your Own Site
Whatever the job, a personal portfolio is needed to support the career that is being built. Likewise with a web developer.
Your own website is one of the must-have portfolios if you want to become a web developer. Even though later your site cannot be used as the main capital, at least your site will be a place for your works as long as you become a web developer later.
4. Starting a Career as a ‘Freelancer’
Becoming a freelancer is the first step in pursuing a career as a web developer. Why? Work as a freelancer will help find and add new experiences before becoming a professional web developer.
Being a freelancer also helps you to develop skills that will support you as a web developer later. Such as the ability to negotiate and build good communication with clients.
Although not able to make enough money, being a freelancer provides an experience that will not be easily forgotten. The work as a freelancer can also be used as evidence and included in the portfolio.
5. Don’t Forget, Make the Best Application Letter (CV)
A CV is another important thing to have besides a portfolio. If your portfolio contains works that you already have as a web developer, then a CV is a tool that will explain your desire to become a professional web developer.
Fill in the CV with things that are in accordance with the world of web developers. For example, the experience of participating in a hackathon or the experience of working on a project from a client while being a freelancer. List these experiences clearly and completely.

In addition, use a CV template that is attractive and pleasing to the eye. This will make it easier for the company to read your CV, it will even be a plus in itself.
6. Apply for a Job as a Junior Web Developer
If your CV and portfolio are ready, as well as experience as a freelancer, you have a lot of pockets. Then the next step is to apply for a job as a junior web developer in an existing company.
Junior web developer is the first career path that a novice web developer must take. If later you can go through the career ladder well, then gradually your skill level will also turn into a professional web developer.
7. Have a good interview session
If your application to become a junior web developer is accepted, the next step that must be faced is an interview session. This session is the session that determines whether you are accepted as a junior web developer or rejected and only receive the word ‘sorry’.
For this reason, this session needs to be prepared in earnest. Be it physical or mental preparation. This preparation is done in order to provide answers that will make the company accept you according to the desired position.
8. Keep Learning, Even If You Have Become A Professional Web Developer
There is no such thing as too late or expired in learning. Even though you have occupied the highest career peak, learning is still ongoing and always needed. Especially if you work in a dynamic IT field, such as a web developer.
There will be new things in the world of web developers that are encountered and must be learned. Therefore, even though you have become a professional web developer, learning is still a major need.
Web Developer, a Promising Dynamic Profession
Becoming a web developer is indeed promising, especially in the financial field. It’s no secret that working in the IT field will get a salary that is more than adequate. This is also proportional to the responsibilities imposed by the client and the company.
Even though it is categorized as a profession that tends to be dynamic, this profession is still not empty of enthusiasts. Moreover, it is supported by the life of the digital era like this. The large number of requests for websites also triggers the number of junior web developers.

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