Have you ever felt pain in your throat? Pain in the throat can be caused by several things, one of which is strep throat. Well, below are tips to relieve pain when sore throat attacks which we have summarized from various sources. Come on, take a good look!

Strep throat most commonly occurs in the back of the throat or pharynx, a condition known as pharyngitis. It can also occur in surrounding organs, such as inflammation of the tonsils or tonsils (tonsillitis), inflammation or swelling of the adenoids in the nose, or inflammation of the vocal cords (laryngitis) which is often characterized by a hoarse voice. These conditions often occur together. In Indonesia, sore throat is often referred to as deep heat.

Pharyngitis makes the throat feel uncomfortable, sore, dry, and itchy. This condition makes it difficult for you to eat, swallow, and speak. Generally, acute strep throat can improve within 5 to 10 days even without treatment.

When experiencing pharyngitis, usually you will feel the main symptoms such as an uncomfortable sensation in the throat such as feeling dry, sore, and itchy.

Other symptoms that appear usually depend on the cause of the sore throat. Regardless of the cause, common signs and symptoms of strep throat include:

Sore throat, especially when swallowing
Dry sensation in the throat
The emergence of fever
Experiencing discomfort when speaking
Annoying cough
Swollen lymph nodes around the neck.
Attacks of acute strep throat usually only happen for a while. During a sore throat, avoid things that can make the condition worse or cause irritation, such as smoking or eating crunchy and greasy foods. In addition, some of the tips below can also help relieve a sore throat:

Salt water
Salt has the power to kill bacteria in the mouth and throat, including breaking down thick mucus that causes coughing. Gargling with a cup of warm water with a teaspoon of salt can help treat a sore throat. Do it 2 times after brushing your teeth in the morning and before going to bed at night.

Pure honey
Honey taken directly or mixed with a cup of warm tea can relieve a sore throat. In fact, a study found that drinking pure honey was more effective at treating coughs due to sore throats than regular cough medicines.

Garlic also has natural anti-bacterial properties thanks to its content of allicin, an organosulfur compound known for its ability to fight infection. Adding fresh garlic to your diet can be a way to get its anti-microbial properties.

Drink water
While swallowing may be uncomfortable, drinking plenty of water or other fluids will eventually make your throat feel better.

It is important to keep the mucous membranes of the throat hydrated in order for it to heal. Staying hydrated, by drinking enough fluids throughout the day, will keep the throat moist so it can heal.

Yogurt drink is good to consume if someone’s throat feels sore. With a soft texture and contains many nutrients, this drink can help healing and make the throat comfortable.

Relieve with hot drinks and food
Warm drinks such as hot tea that has been mixed with honey and lemon, chamomile flower tea, herbal teas containing natural ingredients, such as ginger and liquorice, are also good for relieving pain when swallowing.

Even if you’re sick, it’s also important to have enough nutrition. You can eat warm foods such as chicken soup when you have a sore throat. Chicken soup eaten while warm can soothe the throat, help thin mucus, and help relieve pain when swallowing.

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