The Origin and History of Tanggai Dance

Indonesia is a country rich in culture and customs. Cultural heritage in Indonesia is very diverse and takes various forms, one of which is traditional dances. Have you ever heard of the Tanggai Dance?

Tanggai Dance is a traditional dance originating from South Sumatra, to be precise from the city of Palembang. This Tanggai dance is performed to welcome invited guests. Tanggai dance is usually performed in traditional Palembang weddings.

Meaning of Tanggai Dance

This Tanggai dance depicts hospitality and respect for invited guests who have come. The dance implies the meaning of welcome from people who have an intention, as well as a message that the people of Palembang are people who really respect guests.

This can be seen from the dance section where one of the dancers gives a betel nut to the chosen guest of honor. Giving sekapur betel to the guest of honor is a symbol that the guest has been well received by the people of Palembang.

It is called the Tanggai Dance because all the dancers wear a ladder which is attached to the eight fingers, except for the thumb. Tanggai itself is a kind of nail decoration that is pointed and made of copper.

This ladder adds to the impression of the dancer’s slender fingers, thus adding to the graceful movement of the dancer. The Tanggai Dance has similarities with the Gending Sriwijaya Dance. The difference lies in the large number of dancers; Gending Sriwijaya is performed by nine people, while the Tanggai dance is performed by five people, all of whom are female dancers.

In addition, another difference lies in the clothes used by dancers. In the Sriwijaya Gending Dance, dancers wear large golden crowns, clothing in the form of aesan clothes, and a mantri scarf tied at the waist.

History of Tanggai Dance

In ancient times, the Tanggai Dance was a dance that was offered to Lord Shiva by the Buddhist community. Do not forget that the offering is equipped with offerings consisting of fruit and various flowers. At that time, Tanggai Dance was considered a sacred and sacred dance because of its function as an introduction to offerings to gods in Buddhist belief.

Tanggai dance has similarities with dances in China. This is because at that time, in South Sumatra there was a kingdom from the Syailendra dynasty who embraced Buddhism brought from China. So that there is cultural acculturation between the carriers of Buddhism from China and the indigenous people.

Along with the times, Tanggai Dance is now displayed at events that invite many guests, one of which is weddings. Besides being shown at weddings, this dance is also performed at cultural festivals, organizational events, and even school events.

Tanggai Dance

The motion in the Tanggai Dance is divided into three parts, namely the initial movement, the main movement and the final movement. In the initial movement, the movements consist of entering in a praying position, a respectful borobudur movement, a standing worship movement, walking a doormat, amethyst standing on the bottom right and left, amethyst standing on the right and left, and measuring the thread.

The main dance movements usually consist of saying the word, praying sitting, saying flower sitting right and left, stupa right and left, saying word, borobudur, and measuring thread. While the final part of the movement consists of rejecting reinforcements right and left, nyumping right and left, listening to standing right and left, overlapping the rope, stretching the thread standing right and left, standing worship, standing borobudur, and respectful borobudur.

Tanggai Dance Accompaniment Songs and Music

The song that accompanies the Tanggai Dance is a song called Six Brothers which is accompanied by musical instruments including: accordion, violin, drum, and gong. These musical instruments function to regulate the rhythm as well as become the identity of Malay culture.

Meanwhile, the accompanying song is the song Six Brothers which symbolizes the people of Palembang who live in harmony. Although it is still unknown who first created the lyrics to the Six Brothers song, this poem is popular among the people of South Sumatra, especially in the city of Palembang.

Tanggai Dance Dancer Dress

The dancers wear traditional clothes consisting of a songket cloth, a dodot top, equipped with a pending, necklace, poor bun, flower veins or crowd, crown cempako, rocking flower, and ladder attached to the eight fingers of the dancer.

That’s a brief review of the Tanggai Dance from the city of Palembang which tells how the people of Palembang honor guests.

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