The Dangers Of Too Frequent Consumption Of Instant Noodles, Know Tips Healthy

Instant noodles is one of food that is loved by many people because of the delicious taste. The food is quite popular in different parts of the world, including Indonesia.

Many people make the instant noodles as an alternative food substitute for rice. Instant noodles are also easily served quickly.

But behind the deliciousness, too often eat instant noodles are not good for the health of the body. Instant noodles packaging contains little nutrients but sodium in it is high.

Instant noodles packaging made from flour, salt and oil have a flavor or seasonings such as monosodium glutamate (MSG). Basically, all too often consume MSG is not good for health.

This food is also not good for the digestive system due to the content of fiber and protein low enough. While the content of fat, carbohydrates, and sodium in instant noodles is very high. So, the nutrients are not balanced.

Dangers of Eating Instant Noodles

1. Gastrointestinal Disorders

Instant noodles are not good for the health of the digestive system due to the fiber content and the nutritional quite low. So that it can run the risk of experiencing constipation or cycle defecation (BAB) to be not smooth.

Basically, the content of fiber is needed to launch the digestive system. Instant noodles is easy to make a person easy to satiety, but it is not good if you eat them too often.

2. It contains MSG

One serving of instant noodles contain monosodium glutame (MSG) is quite high. MSG is a dream of most of many people because it tastes delicious. However, too much and the frequency of consuming MSG is not good for the health.

According to reports Healthline, the content of MSG can trigger weight gain, increase high blood pressure, headaches, and cause nausea. In fact, some studies have found that MSG can degrade the performance of the brain.

3. High In Sodium

In addition to MSG, instant noodles also contain high sodium. Too often consuming sodium can cause hypertension, heart disease, stroke, and kidney damage.

So, you should reduce the consumption of instant noodles. At least consumption of 1-2 instant noodles in one month and with a distance that is long.

4. Risk of Cancer and Asthma

Instant noodles can cause cancer because of the food it needs the process of digesting quite a long time. Instant noodles, there are also chemicals such as ADD and BHA which are carcinogenic. The content of the can cause cancer and can even cause asthma to diarrhea.

5. Diabetes

Instant noodle is not recommended for diabetic patients because it can interfere with blood sugar levels and insulin release. These foods will result in the digestion of slow work. Instant noodles also contain toxic chemicals and preservatives that are not good for health.

6. Risk Of Kidney Stones

Instant noodles can increase the risk of kidney stones. How come? This impact is due to the salt content in instant noodles is quite high, so it can increase the risk of kidney stone formation. The solution, you should drink plenty of water after eating instant noodles.

Tips Healthy Eating Noodles

If you want to eat the noodles, you can do some of these tips:

– The consumption of just one serving of instant noodles, not the double

– Before presenting it on a plate, separate the noodles first. Then, the residual water boiled yellow should be discarded. You can use the hot water is crystal clear as the broth,

– Make noodle seasoning with ingredients concoction own using kitchen ingredients natural without adding micin or MSG

– Mix of instant noodles with fresh vegetables instead of eggs

– Do not add the sauce, but replace with chili as the taste of the spicy natural

– If you want to be healthy, can choose green noodles made from vegetables

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