The Benefits Of Bitter Melon That Is Dear If You Miss Out On

Pare is one of a kind pumpkin-labuan often be a complement when serving siomai. Taste of the bitter melon bitter makes a lot of people might not like it. However, did you know that bitter melon has many benefits for the health of the body? Check out this article to know the various nutrients and benefits pare

1. Controlling blood sugar

Bitter melon has a high content of magnesium, which serves to maximize the work of the hormone insulin. Quoted from the World Journal of Diabetes, the condition of diabetes type 2 is often associated with magnesium deficiency in the body.

Magnesium that you obtain through the bitter melon can maximize the insulin that is tasked with regulating blood sugar levels. So pare can you make as a choice of food to help lower blood sugar. In addition, bitter melon is also able to prevent the accumulation of glucose in the blood and move it to the liver, muscle, and fat tissue.

Even so, the content of pare are not necessarily you can use to pre-diabetes or diabetes. Consult your doctor you to get the best solution.

2. Improve the immunity of the body

Pare it contains antioxidant compounds that are abundant, one of which is vitamin C. Antioxidant form of defense against foreign objects will damage the body, such as free radicals which can cause a number of diseases.

Well, you could get about 58 milligrams of vitamin C in 100 grams of bitter melon fruit. This means, pare can meet more than half of the daily vitamin C requirement of adults, that is 90 milligrams for men and 75 grams for women.

The research also shows, bitter melon contains several antibacterial and antiviral agent. Bitter melon also contains agents anthelmintics, namely compound antiparasitic can help remove parasitic worms from the body.

3. Maintain eye health

Bitter melon contain flavonoid compounds, such as α-carotene, β-carotene, lutein, and zeaxanthin, which can help improve the health of your eyes. Other content on the bitter melon also can prevent cataracts and glaucoma which is caused by complications of diabetes.

Thanks to the content of this nutrient, bitter melon may improve the function of eyesight, especially night vision problems due to night blindness as well as slow down macular degeneration.

4. Relieve asthma and other respiratory disorders

Content pare able to prevent the general respiratory ailments, such as coughs, flu, or colds. In traditional Chinese medicine, the juice of bitter melon fruit is also used to treat respiratory conditions, such as dry cough, bronchitis, and asthma for hundreds of years.

Pare has the properties of an antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and antiviral, which makes pare be an additional food ideal in maintaining respiratory health.

5. Treating skin problems

The benefits of bitter melon is as an alternative treatment for a variety of skin problems, which are caused by fungi or bacteria.

Compound antifungal and antibacterial properties that are contained in the leaves of the bitter melon can help to fight skin infections, including tinea corporis (ringworm) and scabies (scabies). How, you simply extract of the leaves of bitter melon and apply on the skin area that is experiencing interference.

Compounds are anti-inflammatory in the fruit of bitter melon can treat skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis. Bitter melon can also help stop the activity of guanylate cyclase, i.e. enzymes that can worsen the condition of psoriasis.

6. Helps treat HIV and herpes

A study published Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal shows that the composition of phytochemicals bitter melon, namely MAP30 in the form of anti-viral compounds can inhibit the activity of HIV or the human immunodeficiency virus. HIV specifically attacking the CD4 cells that play a role in resistance to infection.

Protein MAP30 on pare can inhibit new HIV infections, how to stimulate the immune system and produce more CD4 cells.

In addition, the research also shows that protein MAP30 on bitter melon can also help treat a patient with herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) by inhibiting the reproduction of the virus and reduce its ability to form plaques.

7. Improve bone health and wound healing

Bitter melon also contains vitamin K, which is one of the types of fat-soluble vitamins. Benefits of vitamin K is one of them is set the normal blood clotting by helping the formation of prothrombin. Deficiency of prothrombin can create the body you bruise easily, although only suffered a minor injury.

A study published the Journal of Osteoporosis mention, the intake of food sources of vitamin K can improve bone density and reduce the risk of having a fracture.

This is because vitamin K in pare useful to help spread the calcium throughout the body. Vitamin K also helps the formation of protein osteokalsin to the process of the hardening of the bones.

8. Improve digestive health

In addition to low-calorie, bitter melon fruit is also rich in fiber content. Dietary fiber helps improve digestion and peristalsis of food through the digestive system.

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