SME (Sustainable Marketing Enterprise)

The concept of the SME framework provides an overview of the marketing concept in Islamic Islamic economics. Sustainable Loop from David Hurst from his book Crisis and Renewal, quoted by Syakir Sula which describes the phases of a company’s life in the journey of life like humans.

–         Sustainable = a company that is able to survive and succeed, not only now but also in the future

–         Marketing = a strategic business discipline that directs the process of creating, offering and changing value from an initiator to its stakeholders.

–         Enterprise = as components of inspiration, culture and institutions of a company. These three components are interconnected and must run in an integrated manner.

1). Enterprise (Company or Islamic Financial Institution)

The company’s life journey is almost the same as that of humans, the only difference is that the company was created by humans, while humans were created by God.

  1. According to Syakir Sula, the principles of sharia marketing related to Enterprise are:

1). Create anable cause ( inspiration)

2). Develop and ethical corporate culture (culture)

3). Measurement must be clear and transparent (institution) 

The components of a company are inspiration, culture and institutions. These three components are interconnected and must run in an integrated manner.

– Inspiration is the brain as a source of ideas–à regarding a dream (dream)

– Culture is the heart that will shape attitudes and behavior, concerning personality.

– Institutions are our hands and feet in carrying out daily activities-“concerning activities”

To become a sharia-based company, the corporate culture must be based on Islamic values. The institution must implement sharia principles, Islamic values ​or values ​which play an important role in shaping the personality of an institution. Characteristics of a good financial institution or company

  • A good financial institution or company according to the pillars of sharia according to Muhammad Syafii Antonio in the Preface to Hermawan Kartajaya and M. Syakir Sula’s book, Sharia Marketing (2006: xvi)

has the following characteristics:

–        Innovation

–         Efficiency

–         Service

–         Rensposibility

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