history and development of graphic design

Early history of graphic design. In today’s era, design is very popular and almost every activity we do is related to graphic design. But do you know the history of the beginning of graphic design? And of course we need to study the development and history of graphic design. For that, on this occasion I will tell a little about the journey or development and history of graphic design from year to year to date to add to our insight, especially in the field of graphic design.

Tracking the history of graphic design can be traced from traces of human heritage in the form of graphic symbols (signs and symbols) in the form of images or written images before writing because images are considered more direct and expressive with natural references (flora, fauna, landscape, etc.). other) .

Henry Cole became one of the most influential in graphic design education in England, he convinced the government of the importance of graphic design in a journal entitled Journal of Design and Manufacturers. He organized the great exhibition as a celebration of the emergence of modern industrial technology and Victorian style design

The word graphic design was first used in 1922 in an essay entitled New kind of printing calls for new designs written by William Addison Dwiggins, an American book designer Raffe Graphic Design, published in 1927, is considered the first book to use the term design. graphics in the title

In 1928 Jan Tschicchold formulated the basic principles of modern typography in his book entitled New Typography. Tschicchold, Bauhaus, Herbert Bayer and Laszlo were some of the people who were very influential in the development of graphic design science that we know today. use throughout the history of the 20th century on. In the following years graphic design received a lot of recognition and began to be widely applied after World War II, the need for graphic design increased rapidly, especially for advertising.

The development of the graphic design industry grows along with the development of consumerism. This has generated criticism from various design communities as stated in the first things first manifesto which was first published in 1964 and reissued in 1999, thus continuing to spur the development of graphic design science until now.

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