Hi my friend how are you! As we know that in the world of design in need of a layout element or commonly called layout. We are often confused about how to organize and measure a layout when designing, which makes everything messy. But oh, my friend, in a layout, there are rules or principles that we must understand first so that our designs don’t look messy. What are those?


Layout in the language has the meaning of layout. Meanwhile, according to the term, layout is an attempt to arrange elements or elements of graphic communication to make visual communication interesting. The main purpose of layout is to display image and text elements to be communicative in a way that makes it easier for readers to accept the information presented.


In layout theory there are layout principles which are divided into several principles, namely:

  • Proportion

Efforts to regulate the size between one part and another. Big small, wide, narrow, long short, or low height is a matter of Proportion.

  • Balance

Balance is a condition of a design or object that makes all forces work and do not cancel each other out.

  • Rhythm

Rhythm / Rhythm is a pattern made by elements repeatedly and varied. Repetition (repeating similar elements consistently) and variation (changes in shape, size, position or element) are the keys to visual rhythm.

  • Contrast

The principle of contrast is to avoid design elements in pages that look similar. If the elements (type of text, color, size, text thickness, spacing, etc.) are not desired, then make the design elements different from each other.
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  • unity

Unity is one of the principles that emphasizes the harmony of the elements that are arranged, the design can be said to be unified if the whole looks harmonious. This principle is used to unify layout elements such as typography, illustrations, colors, etc.

  • Harmony

Harmony is arising from the similarity, conformity, and the absence of contradiction. In Fine Arts, the principle of harmony can be created by arranging elements that may be the same, appropriate and none of them are significantly different.

Grid On Layout

In preparing the page layout so that the margins are the same size, it requires a regular reference such as a grid. In the preparation of pages, grids can be made ranging from simple to complex depending on the media that will be used.

So that’s all I can say, hopefully it’s useful and bye. Oh yes, don’t forget to remind that the need for digital IT is needed in daily activities, Bead IT Consultant is the right choice as your partner, visit our website by clicking this link: