Basic principles of graphic design

In general, there are five basic principles of design, including unity, balance, proportion, rhythm, and domination. The following is a complete explanation of each of these principles.

Unity (Unity)
Unity is a measure of how well each element of a design works together to create harmony. The principle of unity can help all elements unite and produce a strong theme, as well as create a binding relationship

Balance (Balance)
Balance in graphic design is an equal division both visually and optically. Balance is needed to create a communicative design and has a good aesthetic. There are two basic approaches to the principle of balance, the first is symmetrical balance, which is the arrangement of elements so that they are evenly distributed to the left and right of the center so that they appear to have the same visual weight. Symmetrical balance is also known as formal balance. The second is asymmetrical balance which is a different arrangement with the same weight of objects on each side of the page. Color, size, shape and texture can be used as a balancing element. Asymmetrical balance is also known as informal balance.

Basically, a proportion is a mathematical comparison in a field. The Great Proportion (The Golden Mean) is the most popular proportion used today in works of art to architectural works. Proportion is a comparison between the shape of a large element with a small element. Proportion concerns the relationship between one part and another or part of the whole, or between one object and another. Improper proportions will make a design unsightly. All elements contained in a design work, the proportions of each element must be arranged in such a way, starting from lines, fields, shapes, colors and so on. In graphic design, all elements play a role in determining proportions, such as the presence of bright colors placed in a narrow space.

Rhythm (Rhythm)
Rhythm is a regular and continuous repetition of motion. In natural forms, we can take the example of repetition of motion in sea waves, rows of ants, movement of leaves, and others. In graphic design, rhythm is the repetition of visual elements with a certain distance that creates a pattern or texture in the design. Repetition (repeating similar elements in a consistent manner) and variation (changes in shape, size, position or elements) are the keys to creating a visual rhythm.

Domination is one of the basic principles of art that must exist in a work of art and design. Dominance comes from the word Dominance which means excellence, this superior and special nature makes an element as an attractor and the center of attention. In the world of design, dominance is often also called Counter Of Interest, Focal Point and Eye Catcher. Domination has several purposes, namely to attract attention, eliminate boredom, and to break the order, usually mediated by emphasis.

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