Understanding and Examples of Internet Marketing

In this day and age, most people are very dependent on the internet. Because it can trigger owners and business people to do marketing through the internet. Marketing through the internet is often referred to as internet marketing.

Basically marketing using internet marketing with conventional marketing such as advertising is almost the same. The difference is the media used for marketing.

In internet internet marketing, of course, there are so many advantages that can be obtained. For example, you can promote your product with only a few tens of thousands of dollars, it can reach thousands and even millions of people throughout Indonesia and even the world. Meanwhile, marketing with internet marketing has no place and time limits so you can market your products to anyone who connects and uses the internet.

Examples of internet marketing that you can use to do product marketing are marketing through:

  • Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, etc.)
  • Search Engines (Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, etc.)
  • Marketplace (Bukalapak, Tokopedia, Lazada, Olx, etc.)
  • Email Marketing, Video Marketing. (Youtube, Vidio.com, etc.)
  • Buying and Selling Forum.

Stages of Doing Effective Internet Marketing

After you know marketing with internet marketing, then we will review some of the steps so that your business can grow quickly by using internet marketing:

1. Create Interesting Content

You can create content on social media or also on your website. Create interesting content about your products so that many people are interested in your content and products. The more people see the content that you create, the easier it will be to get customers or buyers of your business products. The content created can be in the form of videos, photos and interesting articles about your product or business on the website.

2. Use Promotion with Online Media

Promotion with online media can be done using email marketing, Facebook ads, Instagram ads, and Google ads. But before entering here you should take advantage of the first method. Because when you are promoting with internet marketing, you need to spend a little money to advertise

But don’t worry about your promotion or advertising in online media, you still get benefits. Because you will get a database of people who have seen your ad. You can also build a customer database through this ad.

3. Build Database from Ads

After you start implementing ads on social media, you will get a lot of data on people who click on your ads, so the data will be saved to the database. You can process this database by doing a follow up or we can also do the next advertisement.

When you already have a database, when we advertise in a more specific way. So that the costs incurred are small, and customers and buyers of our products will increase. Once you have a database, you can use email marketing to promote your business.

4. Create Brand Awareness for Your Business

By using the steps above, you can build brand awareness of our business or company. Of course, to build a strong branding, we need to make consumers believe and want to subscribe to our products.

The stages of building brand awareness can be through advertising or also with the database that we already have. When we already have strong brand awareness and are close to consumers it is very profitable and in accordance with your business goals, and when you sell any product it will be easy even without doing advertising.

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