Know what a framework is and also its functions

What is a Framework

As the name implies, a framework is a framework used to develop desktop and website-based applications. With the framework, developers can easily develop a website because functions and variables are already available in the framework used, so they only need to arrange the components that they want to use and do not need to program repeatedly.

Framework Functions

The framework has a program and is structured with MVC (Model View Controller) making it easier for developers to develop their projects. In addition there are other framework functions, namely:

  • Programs Become More Structured and Structured

The more programs that are made, the debugging process will be slower and when looking for errors it will be more difficult, with the framework, this can be resolved so that it can find the location of the error in a program, even some frameworks use the MVC model so that it is easy to separate between logic and view.

  • Practical for Developers

When developing software or the web, it will be more practical if you use a framework, it is only enough to write the required functions, then the functions and classes are available very practically

  • Have Superior Security

For years, security for software and applications has been a major concern for developers. after the framework is present, developers can be a little calm about the security of the program that has been created. Because every security vulnerability of the framework has been identified by 10-100+ expert developers.

Framework Type

The framework has three types of platforms, namely Ajax framework, web application framework and application framework. Of the three platforms have different uses. The following is a brief description of the three types of frameworks:

  • Ajax Framework

Currently, there are several types of Ajax frameworks that are popular. Well, here we will give four examples of Ajax framework. Here’s an example:

  1. Prototype
  2. Taconite
  3. MooTools
  4. ZK Ajax Framework
  • Web Application Framework

Web application framework is software designed to support the development of web applications, web services, web resources and web APIs.

  1. Ruby on Rails
  2. Django
  3. Angular
  4. Laravel
  5. CodeIgniter
  • Application Framework

An application framework is a library consisting of software used by developers to develop application structures.

  1. Ionic
  2. Xamarin
  3. React Native
  4. jQuery Mobile
  5. Sencha Touch

Conclusion and Closing

        Framework is a very appropriate platform to create a website or application that is more responsive and attractive and with a framework it is easy for us to create a program.

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