1. Providing Real-Time Information

Information is a very important thing for the understanding and development of human knowledge. In the past…Before the development of the website as it is today, the delivery of various distance-limited information was done manually, such as using writing and sending it through the post office. For example:

If you contact your relatives or friends from different islands or places, information can be conveyed via WhatsApp or Facebook Chat Messenger. Application of internet networks using website media today has many benefits.

2. Give service

The next benefit of the website is: Providing services to the public or customers. Users of this type of website are intended for companies that provide goods or services. So that in daily life, this website operates to handle various complaints, questions, and complaints related to products or services sold by the company. Categories of websites that have benefits like this today are: The category of interactive websites as described above. Here the role of the website owner in this case is the company, in order to be able to build a powerful website, to provide maximum service to its customers.

3. Job Information

Related to the world of work, Currently: According to a survey from the Central Statistics Agency… The unemployment rate in Indonesia until 2019 reached 7 million people. With a website that can accommodate job provider information, it is very useful for job seekers. This type of website is widely used by companies looking for employees, by posting vacancies needed to fill certain jobs in their company. Information related to these vacancies will certainly be displayed on a website. There are two types of websites, which play this role. The first is: Websites that display job vacancies directly where the website is directly owned by the company. The second type is: Website as a third party that connects job seekers and job seekers companies.

For example the website The benefits of the website as a means of delivering job vacancy information have also been used by government agencies. Related to this, it can be seen on the BKN CPNS acceptance website.

4. Promotion Tool & Profile Introduction

The function of the website or the next benefits of the website are: As a means of media promotion. The parties who are helped a lot from the benefits of this website are: Certain companies or agencies. For example, for educational institutions, there is a university website that is promoting the acceptance of new prospective students / students every academic year. Maybe examples of the benefits of websites for companies or industry players don’t need to be discussed anymore, it’s the obligation of every company to market or promote their products and services. If the company cannot take advantage of the development of website technology as a mediator to the customer.

5. Online Buying and Selling Forum

Buying and selling online is a forum where selling and buying activities occur online and in real-time. The advantages… Without any limitations on the place and the capacity of the buying and selling transactions that occur in it. Sellers who offer a variety of goods and services, will meet buyers in one medium… Namely a website. This is one of the benefits of the website in online buying and selling activities (E-Commerce) that cannot be doubted. Various websites of E-Commerce companies that play this role and are very widely circulated in cyberspace. For example: Lazada or OLX companies, Bukalapak or Tokopedia marketplaces.

6. Online Learning Forum

The sixth benefit of the website is as an online-based learning tool. This type of website is very useful for educational institutions. We believe one day… Online-based learning patterns are the most effective means, which can be applied to education in Indonesia. In addition to its effectiveness and flexibility, this category website will make students more creative and innovative, because information or knowledge is not limited to the curriculum that applies in schools. With the internet media, knowledge can be obtained anywhere and in any form. As long as the activities are positive… It can certainly be very beneficial for the students. We can see now… Millennials are very smart and seem to be able to find out any information up to date. Therefore, it takes a little creativity in the teaching and learning system in Indonesia. How, … By taking advantage of technological developments and apply to educational institutions. This is the best recommendation for the education system in Indonesia in the current digital era.

7. Entertainment & Entertainment Sarana

The next benefit of the website can be a means of entertainment for internet users. The content of this type of website is: Something that is entertaining to visitors or visitors. Generally… The benefits of a website as a means of entertainment can be seen from the presence of shows in the form of video channels. Visitors can watch or download various entertainment provided by this type of website. Examples of the application of a website that has a role as a means of entertainment for its visitors are: Netflix or Youtube sites. This website provides entertainment in the form of streaming movies or other videos.

8.  Provide a source of income from advertising

How does a website work to become a money-making field for website portal owners? It is certain that there are advertisements embedded on the website. Many ordinary people think that clicking on a website will generate rupiah coffers from network providers such as cellular card providers. It’s true that it will make money, but not from the network provider. The website will generate income if the advertiser cooperates with the owner of a website. For example: The existence of Google Adsense as an intermediary for websites to advertisers in cyberspace.

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