Is it Safe to Whiten Skin through Whitening Infusion?

White skin or looking brighter is the dream of many people, especially women. No wonder many beauty clinics offer various treatments related to brightening or whitening the skin.

Talking about whitening skin, one of the treatments that many women are looking for is whitening infusion. This is a beauty infusion that is believed to whiten and brighten the skin, without any surgical procedures or injections.

Dermatologist Dr. Richard Lee, MARS, on his YouTube channel even revealed that whitening infusion has now become one of the best-selling treatments in almost all beauty clinics.

To know more about whitening infusions, from benefits, safety to side effects, let’s take a look at some of the explanations that quoted from videos on Dr Richard’s YouTube channel.

1. Is Whitening Infusion the Same with Whitening Injections?

According to the owner of this Athena Beauty Clinic, the two are clearly different. Whitening infusion is given in a large enough dose, so it must be added gradually.

In addition, he continued, there is not only one ingredient in the whitening infusion, so one shot is not enough. It contains, many substances that can whiten the skin directly.

“Meanwhile, for whitening injections, usually the contents are only vitamin C and collagen. So, it is enough to include a single shot injection,” he explained.

2. How the Whitening Infusion Works

Whitening infusion works by preventing the tyrosinase enzyme from forming melanocytes (melanin).

“So, what actually makes our skin brown is melanocytes, when it is exposed to the sun the melanocytes are formed so that our skin becomes browner or darker,” he said.

So, the whitening infusion prevents the enzyme from being released so that the melanocytes do not form. So the results obtained will be permanent.

“Only if you hang out in the sun on the beach outside, it’s black again, why? The sun will shoot our skin, it stimulates the tyrosinase enzyme to come out. So, yes, melanocytes are formed. So, you don’t do a lot of drying and also if you leave the house, you must wear sunblock,” explained at length.

3. Is the Whitening Infusion Registered by BPOM?

Doctor Richard said of the many whitening infusions, some of them have obtained BPOM permission, but some have not. This is because there are more infusion products, he continued, it is difficult to get a BPOM permit.

“Because you have to buy it using clinical distribution, so many people use non-BPOM products. Of course, those that are already BPOM are safe, only the price is a little more expensive,” he explained.

4. What are the Side Effects of Whitening Infusion?

Some of the side effects that can arise from giving this injection are as follows:

• Allergy

• Anaphylactic Shock. An exaggerated allergic response can be life threatening. This condition is characterized by shortness of breath due to swelling of the airways.

• Insomnia or sleep disorders

• Headache

• Diarrhea

• Risk of kidney stones

• Impaired absorption of certain substances in the body, including vitamin B12, which is at risk of disrupting metabolism in general in the body.

To prevent side effects, it really needs to be carried out by trained and qualified medical personnel, products that are original and registered by BPOM and carried out when you have done several health tests. Apart from going all white to get white skin where acne scars and black spots fade, it doesn’t hurt to try natural ingredients that are around you such as using natural masks from soybeans, lemon or from liquorice (licorice).

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