Hypertext Markup Language

HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is a combination of two terms: hypertext and markup language. What the hell is that? Hypertext is a document containing links that allow users to link to other pages. While markup language is a computer language that consists of a set of codes to organize the structure and present information. So, HTML is a markup language for creating website page structures.

What Are Tags, Elements, and Attributes?

To make learning HTML easier, you should become acquainted with tags, elements, and attributes. They are the three friends that make up HTML’s atoms. The following is an explanation of each.

  •  Tags, are used as prefixes for instructions or commands to be read by a web browser. For example: <bold> tags. This tag will prompt the browser to display text in bold format;
  • Element, is the entire code consisting of the opening tag (<>) to the closing tag (</>). For example: <h1> Element Example </h1>. However, not all HTML tags have closing pairs;
  • Attributes, namely additional information or commands that are in the element. For example: <img src=”beach.jpg” alt=”Baron’s Beach.”> This element uses the <img> tag with the image source attribute (src) and alt text (alt).

After understanding the components that make up HTML, please learn basic HTML coding. By knowing basic HTML coding, you will be better prepared to use more challenging HTML tags.

HTML Core Framework

By now, you already know what the atoms make up HTML. When these atoms are collected, an HTML document is formed. However, let’s banish the shadow of an HTML document filled with hundreds of tags. We will explore the simplest form of HTML documents and become the core framework that composes every HTML document in the world.

  • <!DOCTYPE html> is used to declare to the computer that you will write commands in HTML code;
  • <html></html> is a tag that indicates that you start and end a document in HTML code;
  • <head><head> is filled with metadata from the HTML document. Such as tab title, description, and others;
  • <body></body> is filled with website page content.

After pocketing the HTML core framework, you can complete it according to the purpose and needs of your website pages. Bonus info, if you are curious to see the HTML document of a website page, please do the following trick: right click on the mouse and select ‘View page source’. Or simply by pressing Ctrl + U.

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