How Haid With A Natural And Safe Drug

Having menstruation is not normal can result in various health problems for women. Ranging from discomfort when the menses to infertility.

To overcome this, you can apply how to haid naturally or using drugs facilitate menstruation from a doctor. The menstrual cycle can vary from one woman to another. A woman may even experience a menstrual cycle that is different each month. Your menstruation is not normal if the menstrual cycle is less than 24 days or more than 38 days. In addition, you can also lose a lot more or a little more blood, so that the duration of the menstruation becomes irregular.

How do I launch period naturally?

To cope with menstruation is not smooth, you actually have to identify the cause first. However, you can still perform the way haid naturally follows because these measures are likely to be minimal side effects:

1. Regular exercise

If you are experiencing menstruation is not smooth due to overweight or suffering from polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), regular exercise can be a natural way of waging the coming months. Sport and keeping a ideal body weight can help lower levels of androgen hormones that play a role in the occurrence of PCOS. Not only that, exercise can also reduce the symptoms of dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea is menstrual disorders in the form of menstrual pain that is unbearable.

2. Do yoga

Sports that can be done as a way haid naturally does not have to be strenuous exercise. You can do the yoga beginner level or follow the instructions from the video tutorial in video sharing website, for the sake of making the body more active. Based on a study, yoga is proven to haid origin run for 30-45 minutes per day and the routine five days a week, for six months straight. Yoga can also relieve menstrual pain and instability of emotions due to the coming months. For example, anxiety and depression.

3. Keep the weight in order to remain ideal

Has a body that is too fat or too skinny is not only not beautiful aesthetic, but also cause a variety of problems. One menstrual disorders. If you suspect a problem such weight as the base of the irregular periods, consult with your doctor to find the appropriate raise or lower the weight in a safe.

4. Consume ginger, apple vinegar, cinnamon, and pineapple

How to launch menstruation naturally another is through food. There are several types of food that can be trusted to resolve the issue in coming months. For example, ginger, apple vinegar, pineapple, and cinnamon. Ginger is proven to reduce the volume of blood that excessive menstruation. You should start a routine of consuming ginger for three to four days before menstruation to reduce pain coming months, or seven days before menstruation to relieve the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome (PMS). While cinnamon is believed to be able to launch the menstrual cycle for you that are affected by PCOS. This spice can also relieve pain and bleeding during menstruation, and to relieve nausea in patients with dysmenorrhoea. Meanwhile, according to the specific research, consuming apple cider vinegar as much as 15 ml per day is a way of waging menstruation naturally powerful. This way not only to restore the process of ovulation, but is also able to lose weight and keep your blood sugar levels. The last is the pineapple. Thanks to the content of bromelain, which can soften the wall of the uterus, taking extravagant fleshy yellow this can make your menstrual running more regular. But the pineapple fruit should be consumed in large quantities so that the results you can feel. You need to eat pineapple fruit about 400 grams per day for picking usefulness in the company of menstruation.

5. Take vitamin D and B

Vitamin D deficiency can lead to you suffering from irregular periods. For that, you are recommended to take supplements of vitamin D every day that menstruation back smoothly. In addition, you can also drink vitamin B supplements to relieve the symptoms of premenstruation syndrome and reduce menstrual pain. If the way haid naturally is not effective to overcome the problem of your period, consult with the gynecologist. The doctor will prescribe drugs facilitate menstruation that must be consumed in a certain period of time.

6. Consume good fats

Eating good fats such as polyunsaturated fatty acids are believed to maintain the stability of hormones and supports the process of ovulation. Various natural sources of polyunsaturated fatty acids include:

• Salmon

• Vegetable oil

• Flax seeds

• Walnuts.

The Cleveland Clinic recommends you to meet the 20 to 35 percent of daily calories from good fats. Specifically, 5-10 percent fat of this good should come from polyunsaturated fatty acids.

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