Get to know the Submarine Sunda Wiwitan, Trust and Tradition of the Bedouin Tribes

People of Baduy Tribe that inhabits the Kendeng mountains in the inland Lebak save a lot of mysteries yet to unfold. Many are curious about the things related to the Bedouin, including what religion.

 From him, much of the information obtained is related to the religion of the Baduy. Sarpin tell that the Baduy not apply writing. In their belief, oral first there than writing.

So, there is no physical evidence or writings that can be read or seen related to the religion of the Baduy.

However, hereditary spoken spoken from parents that are inherited from the ancestors, the word Sarpin, Bedouin citizens belief Submarine Sunda Wiwitan.

 “What’s that Submarine Sunda Wiwitan?, The submarine was ritual, Ceremony that’s traveler ancestors, Sundanya of the tribe, that to my knowledge,” said Sarpin when met at his residence, the Village Balimbing, Desa Kanekes, Leuwidamar, Lebak Regency.

In Sunda Wiwitan, he continued, Baduy must pass the tradition of the Submarine as a requirement when will grow up. Submarine is a tradition of circumcision or circumcision for men, while for women the tradition of similar named meperan.

Sarpin say, residents of the Bedouin Tribes believe in God Almighty. They worship when interacting with the creator. As for the form of worship, the word Sarpin, there is no way and time special. Worship was done by way of reciting the prayers while doing a routine of any kind.

 “We believe in God Almighty, in the above, all believe that. The form of worship by reciting the prayer peneda, prayer is wajib used when ngajampe (hexed) whatever,” said Sarpin.

Sarpin said, many residents out who consider Bedouin citizens of animism to worship a stone up a tree. However, he did not agree with it because of Bedouin citizens have a God who is worshiped. Bedouin citizens also have three priests are elevated and be a role model. The priest was at once Puun or the leader of the highest villages in the Bedouin In which Cibeo, Cikertawana and Cikeusik.

“Bedouin citizens can choose ngikutnya where, three priests that so qibla term for residents of the Bedouin, if I own to Cikertawana,” said Sarpin. Sarpin resume, in confidence of the Baduy is known in terms of sin and the reward. When do good will have a reward or rewards, while doing bad will get sin.

The tradition of peace, and the creed Baduy Submarine Sunda Wiwitan also get to know the tradition of prayers and the creed. The story of Sarpin, he often gets questions related to the two traditions. The tradition of the invocation itself is done when there is a Bedouin Tribesmen who died. Peace is the money given from the family of the deceased to the citizens who help the funeral process to finish.

“Peace must be done by the family of the deceased, the trust here if it does not give money selawat, later heavy to the death,” said Sarpin. While the term of the shahada, also exist and are used for a wedding in the community Baduy.

 Wedding, said Sarpin, not valid if the bride and groom bride and groom do not say the shahada. However, the shahada pronounced different because of using the Language of the Bedouins. Her parents, including her own and her son also recites the shahada when getting married.

 “When marriage was attended by indigenous elders and the chief as well as other witnesses, will not be valid if it does not say the shahada,” he said.

Baduy namely Uday Suhada. Uday decades to interact and with Bedouin citizens and cultivating the life of the Urang Kanekes. He said, Bedouin citizens believe that they are the descendants of the Prophet Adam. As for how their religious side by side with everyday life. They have the principle of lojor teu win cut, pondok teu win spliced (the length should not be cut short, it must not be connected).

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