We know that the Sun is the center of the entire system in our Solar System, nothing is bigger than the Sun in the Solar System. All the planets and other celestial bodies revolve around the Sun in their orbits.

But do you know? if there are there are many interesting things we can learn from our Sun. In addition to yellow, it turns out that the Sun also has many colors, you know. Curious, what are some interesting facts about our Sun?

  • The sun is a star

If all this time you thought that stars can only be seen at night, eitss. In fact, the Sun is also a star in this universe. Why is the Sun called a star? Stars are objects in space that emit their own light.

The star emits its own light due to the fusion reaction process in its core, this extremely extreme process ‘forcing’ four hydrogen atoms together to form one helium atom. So, the Sun is the only star during the day!

  • Not a Fireball, but a Plasma Ball

Have you ever thought about how the Sun can ‘burn’ in space where of course we know that there is no air for a fire to burn? Better not to think about it anymore, okay?

The sun is not a fireball but a ball of gas in the form of very hot plasma, composed mostly of 70 percent hydrogen and 28 percent helium. The surface temperature of the Sun itself reaches 5,778 degrees Celsius.

  • Ever Considered Circling the Earth

In ancient times people still believed that the Sun revolves around the Earth, in other words the Earth is the center of the Sun’s orbit. Those days began when two intelligent people from the ancient Greeks named Plato and Aristotle in the 4th century BC introduced the thought of geocentrism.

In geocentric astronomy is a model that describes that the Earth is the center of the universe. The sun, moon and the planets all revolve around the earth in a circle.

Even so, we are very lucky with the great scientists of the past such as Aristarchus of Samos, Johannes Kepler and Sir Issac Newton who have proven scientifically that the Earth is not the center of the universe.

  • Light Takes 8 Minutes to Reach Earth

The only fastest thing in the universe known to date is light, which scientists usually prefer to call “photons” or particles of light. This light is so fast, we can even visit the Moon in just 1.3 seconds.

What’s the speed? That is about 299 792 458 m/s, round it off to 300 million m/s. With an Earth-Sun distance of 1 AU (Astronomical Unit) or 149.6 million kilometers, light can travel such a distance in just 8.3 seconds.

The fastest man-made unmanned spacecraft today is the Parker Solar Probe which has an average speed of 192,222 m/s, it takes more than 1 week to travel to the Sun from Earth.

  • Evolution to become a red giant

For now, the Sun still stores energy for its function reactions for at least the next 5 billion years. The Sun is currently in a stable phase.

The main composition is hydrogen which someday the Sun will run out of its composition. When that happens, the outer layer of the Sun begins to expand tremendously.

The outer layer will expand and possibly even reach Earth’s orbit. It is possible that life on Earth at that time was extinct due to the extraordinary heat.

You could say the Sun is a monster for our Earth in the future.

  • It took 230 years to orbit the galaxy

Every star that we see with the naked eye in the night sky is a star in a galaxy called the Milky Way or Milky Way. These stars have different orbital times and distances to the galactic center.

Our sun takes 230 million years to complete its orbit, while its own distance from the galactic center is about 25,000 light years. The sun itself is in one of the arms of the galaxy called Orion.

  • The Sun Has Many Colors

The reason why the Sun looks white in broad daylight and then looks yellowish orange at sunrise or sunset is because the Sun emits the entire spectrum of visible light. Ranging from a wavelength of 400 – 700 nanometers.

The atmosphere also plays a role in changing the color of the Sun. When in the morning sunlight must pass through the thick atmosphere to reach our eyes, so only the light spectrum that has a high wavelength (red – yellow) can reach our eyes.

If the Sun is overhead then all of the visible light spectrum can hit our eyes at once, the mixing of red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple makes the Sun appear white.

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