Binahong or we (Anredera cordifolia) is a medicinal plant that grows in the lowlands and highlands and has a lot of benefits in the healing of various diseases mild or severe. Plant creeper, trunked software, single leaf, flowering compound, helps to improve blood circulation and restore the body’s resistance. This plant had long been present in Indonesia, but the new end-the end of this course be an alternative for some people to be used as a natural remedy to cure or reduce some diseases mild or severe.

Based on the results of research experts so that the benefits leaves binahong rich benefits because these leaves contain many nutrients such as Glucan c, Carotene, Organic Acids, L-Arabinose mucoplysacharida, D – Galactose, Acid Aldonat, and Vitamins (A, B, and C). Therefore, the leaves binahong contains segudanag benefits. However, now these plants became extinct.


The first benefit of from the leaves of this herb, which is to become an ulcer medication natural. A study showed that administration of the extract of the leaves binahong in mice known to provide a protective effect on the lesions of the gastric mucosa. Binahong also known to cleanse the radikan smoke which is quite significant so as to protect the mucosa. Despite this, Dr. Dyah Novita Anggraini in klikdokter.com said that the benefits of binahong for pengobati ulcer is still limited to research in mice.

• Treat High Blood pressure and Prevent the Risk of Heart Disease

The extract of the leaves binahong also give efficacy to lower the heart rate and increase the production of urine. The second effect is that it can be one of the ways to treat high blood. In addition, binahong also has the ability to lower bad cholesterol the cause of heart. If the bad cholesterol is low then the risk of heart disease is also low.

• Prevent The Risk Of Diabtes

Diabetes appears if the levels of sugar in the blood is higher than normal. This disease is very risky because it can lead to other health problems. To prevent diabetes can be done by keeping a healthy lifestyle.

A study proved that the leaves of binahong have an exercise to lower blood sugar levels. Flavonoid compounds, steroids and coumarins have the efficacy to inhibit the breakdown and absorption of sugar in the intestine. In addition, such compounds are also useful to improve the production and function of insulin.

• Heals Burns

Binahong also provide benefits in the treatment of burns. Benefits leaves binahong for this wound because there’s the active ingredients such as flavonoids, tannins, and saponins. Compound saponon that are on the leaves Dhen San Chi is beperan as an antiseptic, so that it can prevent the presence of infection in the wound. Such compounds can also accelerate the formation of collagen in the skin.

• Treat Hives

Benefits leaves binahong for itch because these leaves have a high content in flavonoids and saponins that are anti-fungal. Mushrooms are one of the causes irritation on the skin. Thus, the leaves binahong can be used to cope with itching in the skin.

• Gout Drug

The water decoction of the leaves binohong known to lower putin that cause gout. In addition, the content of flavonoids in the binahong also can inhibit the formation of uric acid in the body.

• Brighten Skin

Compared to using the whitening cream, binahong is known to be more secure and can make the skin bright and radiant. The way is quite easy, you can boil these leaves and then drink the water boiled.

• Treat Acne

The presence of acne not only make the appearance becomes less attractive, but acne is also cause pain to inflammation in the skin of the face. Therefore, acne should be treated with the right way, one of them is by using natural materials leaves binahong. you can mashing leaves of this herb and then apply on the face such as using beauty masks. Wait for it to dry, or in about 10 minutes. Then rinse with clean water. you can also make a decoction of these leaves as a herbal drink to treat acne from the inside.

That’s some of the benefits leaves binahong for health and beauty. In order to get the benefits optimally, make sure consumption in reasonable quantities. For those who have a history of certain diseases or are running a treatment, you should first consult your doctor before consuming this herbal remedy.

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