Efficacy and Benefits of Bananas

Banana is a fruit that is widely known in Indonesia. Bananas can be enjoyed with a variety of ways: eaten directly, fried, steamed, or mixed with other materials. But bananas are not only delicious, the benefits are many.

Help Overcome Hypertension

Potassium contained in bananas can help regulate fluid and electrolyte balance so that blood pressure remains stable. Fiber food that was conceived banana able to bind to fat, thus the formation of the plaque can be prevented. Plaque can narrow and even clog blood vessels, causing blood pressure to increase.

Source of Carbohydrates and Vitamin A

Banana fruit is rich in vitamins and fiber. If compared with apple, banana has more than doubled carbohydrates, and five times the vitamin A. In addition, bananas are also rich in magnesium and potassium which is important for the body to stay in shape.

Banana Streamline Metabolism

Don’t need drugs. By eating bananas, You who are experiencing difficulty during defecation, can eat bananas as a treatment step. Because bananas can help expedite the disposal of the rest of the body in the process of metabolism.

Improve The Immunity Of The Body

You have a lot of guest and like to exercise? The content of Vitamins A, C, and B6 found in bananas serve to increase the immunity of the body against infection. So the body will feel fresh and not fast limp.

Expedite the Flow of Oxygen to the Brain

Banana is rich in potassium, a mineral that is important for the preservation of heart function and blood circulation. Therefore, the circulation of oxygen to the brain can be assured and stroke due to high blood pressure can be prevented.

Overcome Anemia

One of the other important things that conceived the banana is iron. So that this fruit is good for people who are deficient in blood red. Precisely to support the formation of hemoglobin, or protein that contains iron.

Lose Weight

For the person carrying out the diet, complex carbohydrates found in bananas do not raise glucose levels drastically. In addition, bananas are also low in fat so it is safe for the participant weight loss program. In Japan there is a diet trend new: a minimum of one and maximum of four bananas for breakfast. It is said to encourage the metabolism, so that people do not need to exercise.

Healthy Bones

Eating bananas regularly can help nourish the bone. Banana is one fruit that contains manganese is high enough.

Bananas as a “Mood Food”

Whether food can make a person feel happy? Yes, if the material is food’s including “in the mood food,” which is a food ingredient that promotes the formation of the hormone serotonin in the brain. This hormone causes the onset of feelings of pleasure.

To Care For The Skin

Banana mixed with honey efficacious to overcome skin that is too dry. This is also good for the care of the skin of people who are elderly, who tend to be more dry. In addition, bananas are good for acne. How to: mash the flesh of the fruit ripe banana, then apply on the skin of the face with acne. Let stand for 15-30 minutes, then wash. Do it regularly until the pimples disappear

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