E- Learning

E-Learning is an electronic-based learning. One of the media used is a computer network. With the development of a computer network, it is possible to develop it in a web-based form, so that it is then developed into a wider computer network, namely the internet.

Presentation of web-based e-learning can be more interactive. This e-learning system has no access restrictions, this is what allows lectures to take more time.

Understanding E-learning According to Experts

Many experts describe the definition of E-learning from various points of view. Definitions that are often used by many parties are as follows:

  • (Michael, 2013:27)

E-learning is learning that is structured with the aim of using an electronic system or also a computer so that it is able to support a learning process.

  • (Chandrawati, 2010)

E-learning is a distance learning process by combining principles in a learning process with technology.


•  (Ardiansyah, 2013)

E-learning is a learning system that is used as a means, namely as a teaching and learning process that is carried out without having to meet face to face directly between educators and students.

Characteristics of E-learning

According to Rosenberg (2001) the characteristics of E-learning are networked, which makes it able to quickly repair, store or retrieve, distribute, and also share learning and information.

The characteristics of E-learning according to Nursalam (2008:135) include:

Using self-learning materials, which are then stored on the computer, so that they can be accessed by students and faculty anytime and anywhere. Utilizing a learning schedule, curriculum, learning progress results, as well as matters relating to an educational administration can be viewed on each computer. Utilize an electronic technology service. Take advantage of the advantages of computers (digital media and computer networks)

Benefits of E-learning

The benefits of E-learning include: Cost Efficiency. E-learning provides cost efficiency for its administration, efficiency in providing facilities and physical facilities to be able to learn and also cost efficiency for students, namely transportation and accommodation costs. Flexible. E-learning provides flexibility in choosing the time and place to access the trip. Learn to be independent. E-learning provides an opportunity for learners to independently take full control of success in the learning process.

The benefits of E-learning according to Pranoto, et al (2009:309) include:

Increase an active participation of students. Improve a student’s self-study ability. Improving the quality of teaching materials and training. Increasing an ability to be able to display information with information technology devices, which with ordinary devices would be difficult to do.

Advantages of E-learning

The advantages of E-learning are that it provides flexibility, interactivity, speed, visualization through the various advantages of each media (Sujana, 2005: 253). According to L. Tjokro (2009: 187), E-learning has many advantages: It is easier to absorb, meaning that it uses multimedia facilities in the form of an image, text, animation, sound, and also video. Much more cost-effective, meaning that there is no need for an instructor, no need for a minimum audience, Much more concise, meaning that it goes straight to a subject, subjects that are as needed. Available 24 hours per day, meaning that mastery in the material depends on the enthusiasm and absorption of students.