Do you often squeeze pimples? know the bad effects

Acne is a skin problem that is often experienced by many people, especially teenagers. In addition to causing discomfort, the presence of acne can sometimes also damage self-confidence.

Therefore, many people end up “itching” wanting to pop pimples in the hope of getting rid of them from the face.

But it turns out that it can actually make things worse. Dermatologist and Dermatologist at RSUD Dr. Moewardi Surakarta, Dr. dr. Prasetyadi Mawardi, Sp.KK(K), FINSDV, FAADV, explained that indiscriminate manipulation of acne can cause facial injuries.

“If we have acne with inflammation, don’t squeeze it, facial it, remove it, extract it, or scratch it,” said Pras when interviewed by, Monday (27/1/2020).

Wounds that may arise He explained that there are several forms of wounds that may occur if a person cannot stand squeezing a pimple on the face. Here are some of the dangers of squeezing pimples carelessly:

• Bleeding

• Irritation

• Infection

• Scar tissue appears

• Hard lumps

• Pockmarks

 “If there are wounds, the healing results may not be perfect. As a result, pockmarks appear on the face,” explained Pras.

Popping pimples carelessly can be bad for the health and beauty of the skin. However, there are still many people who find it difficult to leave this habit. So that acne can be treated safely, there are some tips and tricks that you can do.

Most people think that squeezing pimples is a quick solution to get rid of them because pimples can dry out quickly and disappear from the skin. In fact, when you squeeze it, the pus and contents of the pimple that are full of bacteria may not only be pushed out of the skin, but can also go deeper into the pores of the surrounding skin.

Tips to get rid of pimples without squeezing them

Basically, acne can get better by itself. You just need to be patient waiting for it to deflate by not squeezing it. Well, so that acne goes down faster, you can do the following tips:

1. Give a warm compress

Soak a cloth in warm water, then compress the pimple for a few minutes with this cloth and repeat several times a day. Besides being able to relieve the pain of acne, a warm compress can also help open the pores so that the pimple will dry out or burst on its own.

But keep in mind, this method applies only to whiteheads or whiteheads, and not to inflamed pimples.

2. Apply acne medication

Using acne medication can be a solution so that acne heals quickly. Many topical acne medications are sold over the counter. Choose an acne medication with the active ingredients of benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and sulfur. Apply acne medication twice a day or according to the directions on the medicine package.

For more severe and multiple acne, the use of other types of acne medication, such as antibiotics and tretinoin, may be needed. However, this type of acne medication needs to be obtained from a doctor’s prescription. You can consult a dermatologist further to determine the right choice of acne medication according to skin conditions.

3. Use natural ingredients

Applying baking soda, tea tree oil, or using a charcoal mask (charcoal mask) is believed to help pimples deflate faster. Some studies have also shown that extracts of green tea, aloe vera, and seaweed appear to be able to get rid of acne.

Safe Ways to Get Rid of Acne

In general, doctors will not advise you to pop your pimples at home. This is because equipment that is not sterile or how to squeeze the wrong pimple can make acne worse.

But if you still want to do it, do it with a technique that is safe and with minimal risk of infection or complications. The trick is quite easy, which is to just poke the head of the pimple instead of squeezing it. Here is the guide:

• Prepare a needle (can be a sewing needle, pin or pin) and alcohol.

• Wash hands thoroughly with warm water and soap.

• Sterilize needles by rubbing them with alcohol.

• Pierce the head of the pimple with the tip of the needle, but not so deep that the blood flows. Lift the needle to open a way for the pus to escape.

• Cover your hands with a clean tissue or use a cotton swab, then gently press both sides of the pimple. If the pimple is ‘ripe’, the pus will easily come out. If not, stop this process immediately.

• When finished, clean the pimple with a face wash and apply a little toner. After that, you can apply an antibacterial ointment to the pimple.

• Do not use any make-up or makeup after piercing the pimple as this can invite bacteria back into the pimple.

Keep in mind, this technique can only be applied to purulent acne and not for cystic acne or boils. This technique is best done after a warm bath or after compressing the pimple with warm water. Warm steam can make the skin moist and open the pores, so that pimples are easier to remove.

After getting acne treatment or while using acne medication, avoid sun exposure as much as possible, reduce stress, wash your face regularly twice a day, and avoid using products that can irritate the skin, such as scented or antibacterial facial soaps.

No matter how big your desire to pop a pimple, you should not do it. It is better for you to see a dermatologist to get the appropriate treatment for your acne condition. To treat acne, doctors can give acne medication, including acne injections.

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