Coding can actually be regarded as a simple term of computer programming. This is an activity where you tell computers what they should do for you. A code can be thought of as a sentence in everyday language. Each of these codes will help the computer know and understand what you want to do on the computer. The computer will receive these instructions and they will follow what is written. So a set of coded instructions can create a program. In writing code for coding, you do have to be careful. Since computers are machines, they only accept the code you enter. So you have to really pay attention to the details. Don’t let you enter the wrong code when writing code. If something goes wrong, you’ll have to do a lot of debugging later.
Coding on web development
You also probably already know that coding is a part of web development. Web development or web programming itself is the process of making a website or application by coding. These websites will be visited by people who have internet access. Web development itself is divided into two:
- Web development is usually used to discuss the technical part of making a website. This is also known as back end development. Back-end means that part of the website that is not visible to users and website visitors.
- Web design is a term used to describe the visual part of a website. Because the visual and interactive part is the part of the website that is seen by visitors and website users, web design is also known as front end development.
In addition, these two parts of the project can also be carried out by the same person, who is responsible for managing the website’s functionality and also designing its appearance. In this case, they will be called full-stack developers, combining front-end and back-end. Maybe you are wondering why we need to know this. By knowing there is a back-end and a front-end, you will be able to understand the types of programming languages more easily.
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