Causes Of Bleeding Gums When Brushing Teeth And How To Treat It

Causes of bleeding gums when brushing teeth

The most common cause of bleeding gums when brushing your teeth is the buildup of plaque or tartar. Both of these allow bacteria to grow along the gums and cause gum disease. If you rarely brush your teeth or take care of your overall oral health, dental plaque can build up and irritate your gums. This condition can cause bleeding, swelling, and pain in the gums. In addition to the buildup of plaque and tartar, here are some other causes of sore gums due to toothbrushes that are also common.

• The toothbrush you use is too hard or stiff

• The way you brush your teeth is not right, for example too rough or in a hurry

• Rarely brushing teeth (under twice a day)

• The toothbrush you are using is outdated because it has been used for too long, so it is not able to clean teeth and gums effectively

• Just started flossing regularly and your gums aren’t used to it yet

• Use of dental floss carelessly or roughly so that it irritates the gums

• Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis, which makes the gums inflamed and bleed easily.

• Use of certain medications, such as aspirin, blood thinners, or ibuprofen

• Use of incorrectly sized dentures.

In addition, there are other, less common causes of bleeding gums when brushing, such as pregnancy and periodontitis. Reporting from the Memphis Center for Family and Cosmetic Dentistry, about 40 percent of pregnant women can experience pregnancy gingivitis, which generally occurs between the second and eighth months. This condition is caused by hormonal changes, especially an increase in the hormone progesterone, which makes the gums more sensitive to plaque and bacteria more easily grow on plaque and along the gum line. Some common symptoms of pregnancy gingivitis are bleeding when you brush your teeth and red and inflamed gums. Meanwhile, periodontitis can occur if you don’t treat gingivitis right away. Gum disease is considered a long-term problem because it can affect the tissues and bones in your mouth that support your teeth. Your gums can become red, inflamed, and may even fall out of your teeth. If you don’t fix it right away, the cause of sore gums due to this toothbrush can cause you to lose a number of teeth. Periodontitis causes the gums to bleed more easily because the condition is very irritated and inflamed.

How to treat wound gums due to toothbrush

The cause of bleeding gums when brushing a light toothbrush can be overcome in a number of natural ways that are easy for you to do at home. Here are some ways to treat sore gums due to a toothbrush that you can try.

1. Using the right toothbrush

If you have sensitive gums, try to choose a toothbrush that is soft or suitable for sensitive gums. You can usually see this description on the toothpaste packaging. The United States Dental Association (ADA) recommends using a soft-bristled toothbrush for two minutes and twice a day. This recommendation applies to both manual and electric toothbrushes. It is also recommended that you replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months or earlier if the bristles start to break.

2. Maintain good oral hygiene

In many cases, you can stop and avoid bleeding gums when brushing your teeth simply by improving your oral hygiene. About the right toothbrush, you can find it in the previous explanation. It is also recommended that you use fluoride toothpaste and floss at least once a day. Starting the habit of flossing can indeed cause bleeding gums at first because the gums are not used to it. However, with consistent flossing habits every day, bleeding in the gums should stop. Regular flossing can also improve overall gum health and reduce the intensity of bleeding gums over time. You are also advised to visit the dentist regularly at least every six months to maintain oral and dental health.

3. Gargle with hydrogen peroxide

Did you know that you can use hydrogen peroxide to rinse your mouth after brushing your teeth? How to treat wound gums because this toothbrush can also help to remove plaque and maintain healthy gums. If you experience bleeding gums when you brush your teeth, try gargling with hydrogen peroxide after brushing and don’t swallow it. Reporting from a study in the Journal of Periodontology, 99 study participants were given hydrogen peroxide mouthwash to determine its effectiveness in relieving gingivitis and whitening teeth. As a result, study participants who gargled with hydrogen peroxide had less gingivitis than the control group.

4. Quit smoking

If you have a smoking habit, this is the right time to quit. In addition to being associated with dangerous diseases, such as lung cancer and heart disease, smoking can also cause gum disease. Smoking habits can lower the immune system, making it difficult for the body to fight bacteria from dental plaque. As a result, you are more susceptible to gum disease which can cause your gums to bleed when you brush your teeth. Quitting smoking can help heal your gums and stop their bleeding.

5. Gargle with salt water

Gargling regularly with warm salt water can also reduce bacteria in the mouth and stop the gums from hurting from brushing your teeth. To do how to treat sore gums due to this toothbrush, you only need to mix half a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, then use it to rinse your mouth for a few seconds. Do it three to four times a day.

6. Increase the consumption of vitamins C and K

Eating foods rich in vitamin C can boost the immune system while helping fight gum infections that cause gums to bleed when brushing your teeth. Lack of vitamin C can also aggravate bleeding gums that you experience, even if you have made various efforts to maintain regular oral hygiene. You can eat oranges, peppers, and carrots to help meet your daily vitamin C needs. On the other hand, a lack of vitamin K can make you prone to bleeding, including bleeding gums. This vitamin is considered important because it plays an important role in blood clotting. You can meet the needs of vitamin K through the consumption of vegetables, such as spinach, kale, to mustard greens. You can also take both vitamin C and vitamin K supplements. However, make sure you consult your doctor before taking them.

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