Bali Province is a province located on a separate island, separated from other regions. The population is mostly Hindu, which …
Javanese culture that is starting to disappear
PETANAN Petanan or in Indonesian to look for fleas is one of the Javanese habits that is starting to be …
Javanese tradition that is still preserved
In addition to a strong culture, Javanese people are also famous for various traditions that are still sustainable today. Customs …
Jaranan art is a type of Kuda Lumping art that began to appear since the 10th century Hijri in Wengker …
Reog Ponorogo
Reog adalah tarian tradisional dalam arena terbuka yang berfungsi sebagai hiburan rakyat, mengandung unsur magis, penari utama adalah orang berkepala …
Kuda lumping also called jaran kepang or jathilan is a traditional Javanese dance featuring a group of warriors riding a …
Article Condition of Indonesian Education
Education is the pillar of culture and the main foundation for building a nation’s civilization. Awareness of the importance of …
7 Dances in Indonesia that have magical values, are scary!
Indonesia is a country full of cultural diversity. Starting from language, ethnicity, race, religion, even art. Well, did you know …
Traditional Traditional Dance of Sumatra – Sumatra is one of the provinces with the largest population in Indonesia, and also …
Each country’s breakfast must have its own uniqueness, have you tried one of them?
Typical breakfast menu of a country that you can try while visiting these countries: 1. Swiss Traditional Birchermüesli is a …