The benefits of spicy food are not only as a complement to dishes, but there are various health benefits of spicy food that are a pity to miss, for example being able to lose weight, maintain heart health, reduce inflammation, protect digestive organs to prolong life!

Indonesian people are well known for their preference for spicy food. Sometimes, you may feel that something is missing when there is no chili or chili sauce in the food.

Spicy taste can indeed add to the enjoyment of a food, but the benefits of spicy food not only arouse the tongue, but there are a myriad of health benefits of spicy food.

Health benefits of spicy food

Good news for spicy lovers because in addition to decorating the taste of food, there are uses for spicy food for health! What are the benefits of spicy food that can be enjoyed?

  • Lose Weight

Eating spicy food can be one of your ways to lose weight and achieve your dream body shape. One of the benefits of spicy food is to increase metabolism and reduce appetite.

Capsaicin compounds in spicy foods were able to burn more calories, increase metabolism and fat burning, and reduce fat levels in the body and blood.

However, eating spicy food alone will not help you lose weight. You also have to maintain a regular diet and exercise.

  • Extend Life

While the benefits of this spicy food sound like a hoax, even though there are studies that prove it!

A study found that the habit of consuming spicy food was inversely related to several specific causes of death.

  • Maintain Heart Health

The heart is a vital organ that needs to be maintained. You can enjoy the hot taste of spicy food and its benefits in lowering bad cholesterol levels in the body which is one of the risk factors for heart disease.

In addition, capsaicin compounds can also prevent obesity which is also a risk factor for heart disease by helping to lose weight.

  • Reduce Inflammation

Even though spicy food is identical to chili, actually spicy food can also be caused by turmeric, garlic, and ginger. These three spices are able to reduce inflammation in the body that can trigger various chronic diseases.

  • Kill Bacteria

Compounds in turmeric, which is one of the spices in spicy food, contain strong antioxidants and antimicrobials and can be used to kill bacteria.

  • Reduce Pain

Who would have thought, it turns out that pain when eating spicy food can increase resistance to pain.

The heat and pain caused by the capsaicin in chilies can be used in the form of lotions or creams which are believed to be able to overcome pain due to injury or arthritis.

  • Protect Digestive Organs

The benefits of spicy food in protecting the digestive organs are still quite controversial. However, spicy food is believed to be able to protect the stomach wall from disturbances in the stomach due to H. pylori infection.

In addition, the capsaicin compound in chilies triggers the production of anandamide in the intestines which can reduce inflammation in the digestive tract.

  • Potential to Cure Cancer

The capsaicin compounds in chili peppers can not only lose weight and burn fat, but also have the potential to slow and destroy the development of cancer cells.

A study in mice found that the compound capsaicin can inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells. However, more research is still needed to prove the benefits of this spicy food.

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