Asam Jawa or tamarin, the fruit is brownish with a taste of acid in Indonesia is known as a cooking spice. In addition it is commonly consumed to overcome the feeling of nausea or to clean rust from metal objects.

Did you know that this fruit, contains nutrients that are high enough? Fruit acids rich in various vitamins, such as vitamin C, antioxidants, carotene, and minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

In addition healthy to eat, fruit can also be used for beauty care. Acids suitable to rejuvenate and nourish the skin and hair.

Curious what are the benefits of sour, let’s check out the following review to find out!

• Brighten skin

The flesh of the fruit acid that is already crushed can be utilized to brighten the skin color. Soak 30 grams of fruit acid in 150 ml of hot water for 10 minutes, then strain. Mix the acid with a half to one teaspoon of turmeric powder or turmeric water. Apply evenly on the skin that has been cleaned. Let stand for 15 minutes, then wash off with warm water. Do this treatment at least 3 times a week and you will get brighter skin and a healthier glow.

You can also make herb mask acid by mixing a teaspoon water fresh sour with a teaspoon of lemon and honey. Use a mixture of this mask on your face and wash off after allowed to stand for 15 minutes.

• Remove dead skin cells

Sour fruits are a source of AHA (Alpha Hydroxy Acids) or lactic acid is widely used in products beauty care to lift the dead skin cells. Removal of dead skin cells is important to update the already damaged skin and replacing it with new skin cells that are healthy and young. In addition exfoliation is also important to clean the dirt that clog up the skin pores.

To make a scrub of the acid, you just mix one teaspoon of the flesh of the fruit acid pulverized with a teaspoon of salt and 1 tablespoon of full cream milk or yogurt. Apply the mixture evenly on your face. Do a gentle massage with circular motions for 5 to 7 minutes. After that, rinse your skin with water.

• Moisturizes the skin

Vitamins and minerals in fruit acid effective to moisturize and smooth your skin. Vitamin C in it will make the skin more healthy, soft, and supple. To get the benefits of moisturizer, you can utilize a water decoction of the acid as a body scrub.

Prepare a bowl of water decoction of 15 grams of the acid is cooled. Add 2 teaspoons of green tea powder. Apply evenly to your skin. Leave to dry, then rinse with clean water.

• Prevent hair loss

In India acid is known as a material to strengthen the hair and prevent hair loss. To get strong hair you can try soaking a plume of acid in the water for 10 minutes. Use the soaking water to cream bath. Apply fluid on the skin of the head and do a gentle massage on the scalp.

Use the hot towel to cover the hair and scalp. Let stand for half an hour. Then rinse thoroughly. Do this treatment at least twice a week to prevent hair loss.

• Strengthen the skin barrier

So that the skin barrier is always maintained and stronger, then we need to be diligent in consuming Tamarind. Tamarind contains vitamin C which can stimulate the production of collagen on the face, so that the skin texture becomes better and feels softer.

• Cope with inflammatory acne

Vitamin A, Vitamin C, and antioxidants in the acid acts as a natural remedy for inflammatory diseases caused various problems of the skin, among other pimples. Create a mixture of sour fruit blended with turmeric powder and fresh yogurt.

Wear to acne masks or apply on skin that is inflamed. Allow it to dry, then rinse with warm water. This mixture will not only reduce the skin inflammation and infection, but also makes your skin glowing.

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