Benefits Of Melinjo Skin For Health

Gnetum is the fruit of the tree of gnetum are often used as food ingredients such as vegetable acids. The fruit was named the latin Gnetum gnemon is derived from Southeast Asia, so it is no wonder that many Indonesian people who love them.

Both the seeds and the skin of gnetum has nutrients that the body needs. Therefore, a lot of benefits that can be obtained from melinjo.

Benefits Of Melinjo Skin for Health

There are various benefits of skin melinjo good for the health of the body. The following is an explanation of the efficacy of skin melinjo as complete as his.

1. Contains a variety of nutrients that are good

One of the benefits of skin gnetum is contain a variety of nutrients that are good for the body. A study published STIKES Perintis Padang uncover the skin melinjo contains a variety of components or compounds, such as beta carotene, phenolic, flavonoids, vitamin C, and antioxidants. Skin melinjo also contains manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and potassium. Content is what brings a variety of nutrients that are good for the body.

In fact, these benefits can help the absorption of other nutrients. Therefore, the content of the skin producing rich in iron which is quite a lot.

2. Lower the risk of chronic diseases

Skin melinjo can be used for the treatment of chronic diseases. Yes, the skin of the melinjo shown to decrease risk. Chronic diseases are usually caused by exposure to free radicals. For example, cancer, heart disease, premature aging, increased cholesterol, and narrowing of the blood vessels. Therefore, the content of the skin producing rich in antioxidants.

3. Maintain the health of the brain

One of the properties of the skin melinjo unexpected is to help maintain the health of the brain. Thanks to the content of manganese in it, the skin melinjo can help prevent and cope with free radicals that attack the body. This is due to manganese-containing superoxide dismutase, which removes free radicals, including the nervous system. When free radicals managed to get into the body, brain and nerve functions will be impaired.

That’s why, manganese in the skin melinjo very possible binding of the neurotransmitter. Then, the compounds of this mineral produce of the signal between the nerve cells become more efficient. As a result, the function of the brain and nerves was running well.

4. Reduce the risk of stroke

In addition to good brain health, skin benefits melinjo other that reduce the risk of stroke. This is because the skin gnetum have sufficient potassium to protect the health of the brain. As reported by Harvard Health, a study published in the Journal Stroke trying to prove it. Researchers try to analyze about 90,000 post-menopausal women aged between 50 – 70 years for an average of 11 years.

As a result, the consumption of more potassium showed a decreased risk of ischemic stroke as much as 27 percent. Meanwhile, women who consume less potassium is risky. This is because the participants who consume more potassium have normal blood pressure. There is a possibility of potassium to function as a vasodilator and relaxes the blood vessels in the body, so more blood flow.

5. Benefits of melinjo skin for bones

Did you know that the skin of gnetum is one of the sources of calcium for bone health? The Mineral calcium is needed by the body to build and maintain the strength of bones and teeth.

Mineral this one is not produced by the body, so you have to consume foods that are rich in calcium. So the body more effectively absorb the calcium, you also need to get the intake of vitamin D.

Calcium deficiency can weaken bone strength. This is because the body does not get adequate intake of calcium will take this mineral from the bones. As a result, you run the risk of experiencing osteoporosis. Therefore, the consumption of processed skin melinjo offers benefits that are good for bones that are not easily fragile.

6. Take care of kidney function

Other minerals on the skin melinjo that phosphorus was also efficacious for the function of the kidneys. Phosphorus including the type of minerals that help maintain fluid balance and body. Minerals can also be found in chicken meat also helps to regulate the levels of salt and fat. The thing that makes phosphorus is quite beneficial because it helps the kidneys remove toxins from the body. Even so, eating too much of foods that contain phosphorus can actually backfire for the kidneys. Because, the content of phosphorus and is high in calcium that triggers the buildup of calcium on blood vessels, lungs, and heart. When left unchecked, this condition can increase the risk of heart attack, stroke, and death, especially in patients with kidney disease. Therefore, always pay attention to how many minerals that the body needs so you don’t cross the line.

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